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DOCTOR WHO IS FUCKING BACK TONIGHT (post in this thread about Doctor Who [please])

There are clues as to what is happening to her in that episode, but its spelled out specifically in the second.

The River in this episode is an earlier version of her (naturally since she died) of the other one from a few years back, so it could just be that.
I guess I missed the clues. True, I wasn't 100% paying attention to this one due to a distraction, so maybe after a rewatch I'll catch on.
Yeah. And the preview bit was just Amy falling down a hole. BUT IT MIGHT BE GOOD, OKAY, TOMTREK, I'M NOT SAYING THERE'S NO CHANCE IT'LL BE GOOD.
Ehhhh, that was, I guess, sort of, eeeehhh.

I mean I get that it was supposed to be a building momentum part-one-of-two but I mean it didn't so much build tension as it did just stand around for a bit going "SOMETHING'S COMING!! WHAT COULD THEY BE???? (everyone already knows because they're on the BBC site!)"

Eh. It was, um, eh. I guess. Wasn't terrible, just sort of eh. The writing of the secondary characters seemed a bit weak too.
Wasn't bad. Village setting made it feel a little too similar to last week's, perhaps. Don't really think much of the aliens (I mean, the Doc explained more than once that the drilling was an accident and she was still a total dick about it). The boy was probably the best developed character and then he disappeared.

I liked the bit when Amy was demanding to be set free.

Will be interesting to see how it's resolved, anyway. It was certainly no Cyberwoman, so that's a relief.
A bit meh, and BBCHD fucked the ending up, switching to the closing titles while the Doctor was still talking.
It just felt really flat and unengaging. The only kind of interesting bit was when Rory and Amy from the future were waving to them, which surely wasn't what it seemed and will be part of some twist in the second episode...right?
Vamps in Venice was interesting. I liked it when the Doctor jumped out of the cake. Missed the previews for next week's though.