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DOCTOR WHO IS FUCKING BACK TONIGHT (post in this thread about Doctor Who [please])

Someone on imdb suggested they could've played this over the end rather than Athlete (think it was Athlete), though I think they made the right choice really.

It was a good episode. I don't usually like the ones where it's all "hey famous person, YOU'RE FANTASTIC YOU KNOW THAT" and they're all "no, YOU ARE, DOCTOR!" but as TOMTREK said he was actually a proper character and he still killed himself in the end. I liked the scene with them looking up at the starry (starry) night. And it was sad when Amy was crying.
loved how the scotttish accent ( van gogh) was compared to amy's as being dutch...

I heard an odd rumour about the doctor standing trial for crimes against time....

could the spoiler pic be this?

Spoiler image for new toy
Vincent Van Gogh kills giant deadly invisible space chicken. WITH HIS EASEL. And that wasn't even the best part of the episode. Top marks for this ep, I say.
Sounds positive. Starz are behind Spartacus, which is awesome, so a collab with the BBC should work out very well. Doesn't sound like Ianto's coming back, unless he'll be a surprise addition.
The fact that I have 5 episodes stockpiled on my DVR says something. I've watched the first 3 Matt Smith episodes. The first one was pretty good, I really like Amy Pond. The second was great, I thought those "fortune teller" box guys were pretty creepy. The third one, with the Daleks, was just plain awful. I was barely paying attention while watching it. I'll catch up by this weekend so I can actually contribute to the conversation!
Thankfully the most recent UK ep totally made up for any of the lesser ones earlier in the season.

And next weeks has a tiny easter eggy reference to Vincent.

The two parter after the Dalek episode is really good, BDM.

They're really letting Eve Myles on American tv with those teeth and that accent?
Subheader: Tory newspaper says something hopelessly outdated and superfluous is best thing since sliced bread! Millions left stunned.
The two parter after the Dalek episode is really good, BDM.

They're really letting Eve Myles on American tv with those teeth and that accent?

Good to hear. I was really disappointed with the Dalek episode, so I've been watching everything else on my DVR. I'll get to all of them over the weekend.
Right okay.

The good:
Matt Smith. Every part with him in was great, he can make anything, no matter how bad, at least somewhat entertaining and he was on top form the whole episode.
Amy was good for what we saw of her.
The not-TARDIS sort of lookedl ike McGann's TARDIS.
The next time trailer.

The bad:
Every other second of the episode. The stupid love story about two characters I don't care about was just terrible in every way and whenever Matt Smith wasn't on screen I wanted to punch someone (usually James Cordon).
Not as horrible as I imagined it to be, although they saved that up for the confidential.

If it werent for the people walking in the background at a normal pace I would have sworn they were speeding the black lady up.

And Cordon was every inch the twat I expected him to be.