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DOCTOR WHO IS FUCKING BACK TONIGHT (post in this thread about Doctor Who [please])

Here's a nice trailer for The Pandorica Opens.


(edit: Looking at it now it's obvious Amy is standing next to The Pandorica in that gif!)
I love how they have the right day for the end of the universe on the day the episode airs.

Lets hope nothing causes the episode to be postponed.
It wasn't embarrassingly bad or anything, but it was pretty pointless. I dind't care at all about James Corden and his cliched romance that somehow makes the spaceship disappear or someting at the end. And the Doctor not noticing people kept going upstairs and dying even when he was living in the house.
Two stories on the BBC News site today:

BBC NEWS: Karen Gillan denies her short skirts are too 'short'.

"She's just a strong girl, woman, whatever. Oh, let's just say she's a strong female", said the young Gillan, the midday light diffusing across her pale breasts. Looking up, my eyes couldn't help but linger on her pouting, naturally strawberry red lips, before, sensing an intimate, exquisite burning, that her eyes were transfixed on mine.

"Feminism is not the issue any more, not for me, anyway. It's just never occurred to me that a woman wouldn't be equal, in any sphere, to a man."

Our interview now concluded, I caught a quick flicker of a glance at her bum as she stood up and made for the door. "10/10", I scrawled amongst my notes.

BBC News: Christopher Eccleston felt 'uncomfortable' in Who environment.

"I was open-minded but I decided after my experience on the first series that I didn't want to do any more," he said.

"I didn't enjoy the environment and the culture that we, the cast and crew, had to work in.

"I thought if I stay in this job, I'm going to have to blind myself to certain things that I thought were wrong."

Pressing for more details, I heard Ecclestone's calm, northern tone start to slide for the first time.

"I mean, they made me kiss John Barrowman for fuck's sake. John Barrowman! Do I have to spell it out? It was fucking gay, man. Fucking GAY. Fuck that shit, I said, I'm gonna play an invisible man. Try having a gay fucking kiss with that, you butt fucking piece of shit. FUCK."
Pretty much, maybe he is closeted himself, most confident actors have no trouble kissing another man.
A whole hoopla of (BIG) spoilers for you:

The Doctor takes Amy to the very first planet in existence where they find a message from River Song.

The couple find River Song is dressed as Cleopatra.

A painting by Van Gogh, found in Winston Churchill's bunker, reveals something about The Doctor's fate, a "desperate message." It has been passed along by Churchill through River Song and Liz Ten - who all return in the finale.

Dark forces gather at "under Henge"; returning monsters include: Daleks (the new kind), Cybermen, Sycorax, a Blowfish (originally from Torchwood), Weevils (originally from Torchwood), Autons, a Hoix, Sontarans, Judoon, a Kudlak (originally from The Sarah Jane Adventures) and Silurians (new series).


If RTD had wrote that lot all coming back for the finally wouldn't you be rolling your eyes about now?

I thought Moffats reign was meant to put an end to massive fanwank finallys?
I'll complain when there's 10,000,000,000,000 of them attacking the Earth and they're all destroyed by someone getting magic powers for some reason.
Pardon my laziness, I didn't read through the whole thread. I don't want too many spoilers. However, has this been discovered yet?

Finale saw last week's episode and actually really enjoyed it! Okay, so I avoided looking at whatever side of the screen that guy was on (and he takes up a lot of screen!), but Matt Smith was fantastic throughout. Lots of great little subtle moments that lifted a rather nonsensical episode. I didn't understand how the couple wanting to be together in the flat made the spaceship suddenly able to travel through time or whatever, but I didn't really mind because Matt Smith was so good. The finally should be awesome!
Finale Cast List
The cast list for 'The Pandorica Opens' is -
The Doctor - Matt Smith
Amy Pond - Karen Gillan
River Song - Alex Kingston
Vincent - Tony Curran
Bracewell - Bill Paterson
Winston Churchill - Ian McNeice
Madame Vernet - Chrissie Cotterill
Doctor Gachet - Howard Lee
Guard - Joe Jacobs
Dorium - Simon Fisher Becker
Claudio - Marcus O'Donovan
Commander - Clive Wood
Commander Stark - Christopher Ryan
Marcellus - David Fynn
Dalek - Barnaby Edwards
Cyberleader - Ruari Mears
Yesterday there were pictures on the web that were quickly pulled of a ...

...Stone Dalek, not sure how that could happen unless it saw a weeping angel and became one itself, unless one of the Doctors other enemies is the Gorgon.
Shall I go first, then?

That was a really good episode! I loved how it kept you guessing, and I for one was fooled by the bluff that whatever the Pandoricum was created for was already contained within it. It crossed my mind that a previous Doctor, or Matt Smith from another dimension might be in there, but not that it might be a prison he was about to be incarcerated in. It's so refreshing to have a finale with a massive invasion of Earth that's actually justified, and a plot that is difficult to fathom to begin with, but makes complete, glorious sense when it's all laid out.

How on Earth are they going to resolve it, though? Since they went back through a few of the previous episodes, I suppose it's possible that someone from one of those is able to help. Maybe one of the ones that didn't get revisited. Unfortunately that only leaves annoying characters like Corden or those lizards... or maybe the angels? Here's hoping they don't show a bunch of unavoidable adverts for the next week that hint at what will happen.