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DOCTOR WHO IS FUCKING BACK TONIGHT (post in this thread about Doctor Who [please])

That was... that really.... ehhhhhh.... eeeehhhhehhhhhhhh ummmmmm... yeah.

That was the worst so far. I mean a narrator comes out of nowhere because it's the laziest writing device ever, all the human characters acted like retards for no real reason than "to move the plot", the Silurians look and acted like 'Generic Star Trek Alien #46', the The Doctor is all chummy with the Silurian Doctore despite that fact that like 20 minutes ago we was about to perform a live dissection on Amy, and the guy who had been dissected seemed pretty okay with the Silurian Doctor being good despite the, as I said, live dissection, the head Silurian guy says "Oh yeah didn't I mention I have a button I can push that resolves the plot, should I press it maybe? Oh there's a DANGER that I might kill some of my guys too but that's not really important.", and then after all that Rory gets fucking Trip Tucker'd.

At least finding a bit of the TARDIS was cool I guess.
If the tardis chameleon circuit is the only thing maintaining the disguise, shouldn't the tardis exploding make the disguise stop working?

Technically I think dissecting someone alive is vivisection, although that might only apply if it causes their death, its a grey area.

Liked this better than last week, but the whole thing would have made a better one hour episode than two 45 minute ones.
I like how the MISTER Scientist/Unreasonable Army Person conflict could have been ripped from any movie. And the HEAD LIZARD GUY who just appeared to resolve the plot because the Doctor told him to or something.

Matt and Karen were good in Rory's death scene, but it felt like it could have happened in any episode and just been stuck on the end. I suppose Amy will find the wedding ring and get her memories back but then it'll turn out she's actually in the Afterlife too...
I didn't think it was such a bad episode. I liked the sets and the whole visualisation of the subterranean world and the ending definitely picked things up again (I think Rory will be alive again after they get rid of the crack). The impossibly warlike aliens were annoying, but the ep went pretty quickly, so at least it wasn't boring.

Aside from the obvious Dalek and Judoon, there's also a Hoix from Love & Monsters (and an episode of Torchwood, I'd prefer to say "a Hoix from that episode of Torchwood" so I don't have to remember Love & Monsters), and one of the robots from The Christmas Invasion/The Runaway Bride.
Thanks for that! Played it a bit and it's pretty good for a free game! The movement is a bit... well, not actually jerky. More like overly smooth. Takes ages for the camera to swing round to where you want it pointing sometimes, but that's probably my computer to some extent. Frame rate seems fine though.

Anyway, really cool start with bombed out Trafalgar Square. Of course I noticed some errors (like the pedestrianisation which didn't come into place until the 2000s), but over all the level design is very well done and I don't really expect a game to be 100% accurate or anything. Voice acting good, motion tracking based character movements are well done and the story seems reasonable so far.

Impressive so far. And the 'fact' thingies that I thought were lame to begin with actually taught me some stuff.
Yeah that was pretty decent. I mean if I had paid money for it I'd have a few things to be annoyed about (the sluggish controls, and I got a lot of frame rate drops for some reason), but overall it was alright.

The new Daleks seem better when there's a group of the same colour together, which hopfully is how we'll see them in the future. And it's always nice to see the Emperor.

But I liked going back to Skaro and seeing things like Vaga plants again (EVEN IF THEY GOT RID OF THE REALLY COOL DESIGN THAT THE ORIGINAL SKARO CITY HAD OKAY).
Wow, what a fantastic episode.

Really good to have a historical character who's an actually three dimentional character, instead of just someone for The Doctor to worship and wink at the camera. Van Gogh was done really well.

The scene where they take him to the future could have been bad, but because the character had been so well done we had a strong emotional attachment to him which made the scene work, and of course the later scene were we find out he did kill himself after all stopped it from being to over the top.

Matt Smith and Karen Gillan were also really good, it's interesting to see the flirty, Rory-less Amy, and her crying for no reason while The Doctor makes concerned faces was great.

But next week's will be shit, though.
I was a bit so so with this episode until the museum bit at the end, it just really raised the game so well.

Plus they had that helpful phone number at the end for anyone who has problems with invisible monsters.
Fantastic episode. Almost made me shed a tear right at the end, but James Stupid Corden ruined the mood when the preview came on. Ugh.

ANYWAY. This was really well done. I liked how they were just sort of pottering about at the beginning, and slowly got drawn into his world and cared about him beyond mere hero worship. And the ending was perfect, really. I'm impressed that they actually went to the Musée D'Orsay, even if it is only a train ride away. Showed a real commitment to the story with that.

The references to suicide and depression will probably draw some complaints from the usual crackpots, but fuck them.
It's the first Matt Smith episode I've seen - quite unlike any Dr Who episode I've ever seen. I too was umming and ahing, not used to the premise of a Who episode without some sort of Alien intervention in it. Lovely ending (Bill Nighy helped) - and yes, James Bloody Corden turned up.

Don't you just get fed up with the BBC Flavour of the Month being continually cast in this show? Peter Kay, Catherine Tate, James Corden...
To be fair, Catherine Tate did turn out to be the best companion in the end, Christmas episode withstanding.