Amy looked amazing in this episode. That's the first important fact to highlight.
Um, I did like the overall concept and I thought the "you don't know what to do with me" bit about him being a goody and a baddy was refreshing, but the end might've just been a bit too neat. We've seen this sort of thing a lot in various shows, where the bad guy very conveniently realises the only way to repay for his crimes and end everyones woes is to carry out his own death sentence, so you could see what would happen coming a mile off, with the only question being how they'd squeeze it into the final ten minutes.
Time and time again I wish they'd at least do two part adventures if not full on serials, because the stories could be so much better fleshed out and people's motivations and development would be far more convincing. Next weeks looks like another story that could do with more than 45-50 minutes, as the analysis of what it's like to be a companion had me hooked just from the trailer.
Btw, does anyone know if there's a significance to the murky look of the opening titles this year? It looks like pollution.