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Gardening edition of the diary thread

did NOT snow

but what good will all that be without headvoid and his World Dominating garden pics, I ask you?
April 09:

Planted a row of green beans. Still working on the water problem, may end up watering the entire thing by hand EVERY DAY. Grandma said that's how the Chinese do it!
How can Grandma advocate the COMMIE way of doing things???2153 I bet the Chinese don't even BELIEVE in water because Jeebus walked on it!!!11145

By the way, I can be had for a bowl of fresh green beans. Snapping off the tips is quite sensual.
it actually rained and I have flowers! But I see the batteries for my camera have been removed to power the XBOX control thingy! :rwmad:
I raided the XBOX controls....

so, haven't raked the garden or anything....this is as is....
