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Gems from Twitter

Elmo: Letter Joke: What letter of the alphabet is always surprised? “O!” Get it? Haha!

Elmo: Letter Joke: What letter of the alphabet asks a lot of questions? “Y!” (Haha, Elmo really loves letter jokes!)
My favorite ancient alien guy is at it AGAIN Twitter

TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (@Tsoukalos)

Posted Monday 19th September 2011 from Twitlonger

I am flummoxed by some of the commentary I received from my hair post yesterday. Kind of alarming, actually. Alarming in a sense that some people turned this into something it NEVER was. My observation did NOT apply to pixie-haired women (which I LOVE), short-haired women, and BALD women. I thought that was INHERENTLY IMPLIED but I guess you REALLY have to spell out E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G for some in today's society. (continued below, first post)

And even IF you spell out everything, the great majority of people are TOO LAZY to read, to scroll and push a couple of buttons.

When I said, "Please don't wear your hair up", did I REALLY have to clarify that by "up" I meant up in a bun? Up in a bun! UP IN A FRIGGIN' BUN. THAT's what "put your hair up" MEANS.

Some people ACTUALLY wrote, "But you wear your hair up, so what gives?" I mean, seriously? Do I wear my hair up in a friggin' bun?

Someone wrote, "I have long hair and I love you Gman but if a woman has her hair up for the wedding then it can be down for the Honeymoon! Haven't you ever heard the lyric "A lady in the street and a freak in the bed!"

<-- It doesn't matter. It looks conservative, and worse, uptight. Like his or her mother. He is marrying HER, NOT her mom or his. This is MY opinion and I will NOT waver. SERIOUS question: Why can't she be a freak ALSO at the wedding? Why the differentiation? Why the PRETENSE, IF she’s a freak? A freak wouldn’t put her hair up in the first place. Fact.

Please just know ONE thing, and this is coming from a guy: In MOST (not all!) cases fancy-shmancy up-dos look like an art project gone awry. <-- That’s supposed to be “princess-like”? Rubbish. It’s buffoon-like, that’s what THAT is.

And then some people argued along the lines of "It doesn't matter how you have your hair on your wedding day. If your man fell in love with you JUST because you're hot, then you're marrying the wrong guy." <-- Did I say THAT? I wrote, "One of the reason's WHY you're marrying your guy is BECAUSE, among other things, he fell in love with you because you're HOT." Among other things. Among. Other. Things. AMONG. OTHER. THINGS. <-- Meaning, OF COURSE this is NOT (!) what the wedding should be based upon! The fact that some people turned this into something about what is "true love" or not is irrelevant.

AND! Since when is "true love" an excuse for NOT being sexy any longer? Call me crazy, but THAT is a bunch of bologna.

It AMAZES me that an observation COMPLIMENTING the HOT look of a woman gets turned into something it never was intended to be. Interesting how some people ONLY know how to start a pissing contest over NOTHING. Even worse, this was something COMPLIMENTING women.

...and gods forbid I have an opinion. On MY page.

Freaks don't put their hair up? HAVE YOU MET CAPTAIN JANEWAY AND HER BUN OF STEEL?
My favorite ancient alien guy is at it AGAIN Twitter

TwitLonger &mdash; When you talk too much for Twitter

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (@Tsoukalos)

Posted Monday 19th September 2011 from Twitlonger

I am flummoxed by some of the commentary I received from my hair post yesterday. Kind of alarming, actually. Alarming in a sense that some people turned this into something it NEVER was. My observation did NOT apply to pixie-haired women (which I LOVE), short-haired women, and BALD women. I thought that was INHERENTLY IMPLIED but I guess you REALLY have to spell out E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G for some in today's society. (continued below, first post)

And even IF you spell out everything, the great majority of people are TOO LAZY to read, to scroll and push a couple of buttons.

When I said, "Please don't wear your hair up", did I REALLY have to clarify that by "up" I meant up in a bun? Up in a bun! UP IN A FRIGGIN' BUN. THAT's what "put your hair up" MEANS.

Some people ACTUALLY wrote, "But you wear your hair up, so what gives?" I mean, seriously? Do I wear my hair up in a friggin' bun?

Someone wrote, "I have long hair and I love you Gman but if a woman has her hair up for the wedding then it can be down for the Honeymoon! Haven't you ever heard the lyric "A lady in the street and a freak in the bed!"

<-- It doesn't matter. It looks conservative, and worse, uptight. Like his or her mother. He is marrying HER, NOT her mom or his. This is MY opinion and I will NOT waver. SERIOUS question: Why can't she be a freak ALSO at the wedding? Why the differentiation? Why the PRETENSE, IF she’s a freak? A freak wouldn’t put her hair up in the first place. Fact.

Please just know ONE thing, and this is coming from a guy: In MOST (not all!) cases fancy-shmancy up-dos look like an art project gone awry. <-- That’s supposed to be “princess-like”? Rubbish. It’s buffoon-like, that’s what THAT is.

And then some people argued along the lines of "It doesn't matter how you have your hair on your wedding day. If your man fell in love with you JUST because you're hot, then you're marrying the wrong guy." <-- Did I say THAT? I wrote, "One of the reason's WHY you're marrying your guy is BECAUSE, among other things, he fell in love with you because you're HOT." Among other things. Among. Other. Things. AMONG. OTHER. THINGS. <-- Meaning, OF COURSE this is NOT (!) what the wedding should be based upon! The fact that some people turned this into something about what is "true love" or not is irrelevant.

AND! Since when is "true love" an excuse for NOT being sexy any longer? Call me crazy, but THAT is a bunch of bologna.

It AMAZES me that an observation COMPLIMENTING the HOT look of a woman gets turned into something it never was intended to be. Interesting how some people ONLY know how to start a pissing contest over NOTHING. Even worse, this was something COMPLIMENTING women.

...and gods forbid I have an opinion. On MY page.

Freaks don't put their hair up? HAVE YOU MET CAPTAIN JANEWAY AND HER BUN OF STEEL?

Picard's poems come to life and seize the ship. Data's new obsession with his ventriloquist dummy is starting to affect his work.

A planet of sexy, robed aliens refuse to return Riker to the ship. Miles O'Brien secretly hates his wife, job and the crew in general.

Lwaxana Troi makes an unscheduled visit to the ship, demands to marry THE WARP CORE. Barclay suffers major burns while trying to cook pasta.

The Enterprise grows a positronic brain via holodeck and misbehaves. Worf refuses to wear shoes on the bridge, claims it's "dishonorable".
HuffPostNY HuffPost New York
by HuffingtonPost
Man vows to masturbate in every NYC Starbucks
What kind of LOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSEEEERRRR has an Twitter account? Do you people honestly believe anyone gives a shit what any of you have to say? Fucking assholes. Get outside and get lives, but do NOT 'tweet' about it. I, and everyone else, DON'T FUCKING CARE!
What kind of LOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSEEEERRRR has an Twitter account? Do you people honestly believe anyone gives a shit what any of you have to say? Fucking assholes. Get outside and get lives, but do NOT 'tweet' about it. I, and everyone else, DON'T FUCKING CARE!

But, Luci, there's no place like home!

The article link by Captain Wacky indicates that it was Victoria's attempt at humor. Hence the article's title was not directed towards her, but the responders.

The funny article once again proves that the English have a way with words, especially dry humor: "Now there's a phrase steeped in swaggering scorn" indeed!
levarburton LeVar Burton
Merry Kuntamas!!! #bydhttmwfi
2 hours ago
realDonaldTrump Donald J. Trump
Barney Frank looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his blue shirt before Congress. Very very disrespectful.
21 Dec