General Neighbours discussion


Is this real life?
You somehow forgot to mention her nose.

But I'm glad you guys reminded me not to list her in THE TOP 10 HOTTEST EVER NEIGHBOURS


I want to smell dark matter
The guy in the wheelchair is way too good looking for her.


Is this real life?
Not to mention Declan. Although Declan has murderous looking eyebrows, he's clearly spent far too long in the gym to end up with Bridget. She'd be lucky to bag Zeke.


I want to smell dark matter
Declan is fat.


Is this real life?
He's not fat, as such. I think it's mostly muscle, but he looks rounded because he's a bit short.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe he just looks fat compared to annorexic Ringo!


Is this real life?
lol, Ringo could blow over in the next wind if he doesn't eat another muesli bar!


I want to smell dark matter
If I was Rachel's teacher I'd be all "SEE ME AFTER CLASS."


I want to smell dark matter
They were featured in Doctor Who so they MADE IT BIG. But she should return to Erinsborough with Doctor Karl's baby which has grown up super fast for some reason and can possibly see the future.


Is this real life?
I know it's fashionable to knock soap stars who go on to sing, but that really is a crap song. It sounds like something a child would sing, making the lyrics up as they went along and filling gaps with "yeah"s and "woo"s.


I want to smell dark matter
I only listened to about 8 seconds but I got that vibe too.


I want to smell dark matter
Looks that way, or maybe Zeke will rape Elle.


Is this real life?
I don't get what the big deal is. Is dancing illegal in Australia?


I want to smell dark matter
They're underage? Except they didn't seem to be drinking. Must be the dancing then.


I want to smell dark matter
Libby is looking good in today's episode!


I want to smell dark matter
I think it's because she's happy now that things are better with Darren so she doesn't have to be all PAINED FACE.


Is this real life?
Quit sayin "dance party" in there!