HEY!!! Powerful/Wealthy People
Lesson In Life 101:
Ok.......we have all these well-educated, powerful, wealthy people who think they are so much smarter than the rest of us and they also know what is best for us. So they lie, cheat and steal from us in order to retain the status quo. If someone shows up to challenge their "power and wealth" they point the finger, say the person is a dissident, they are crazy.........insane.
Lets use me and my insanity as an example and lets use people like:
U.S. Reps
Jack Burden
Dawn Brown .....not that she is intelligent or well-educated
Sanjay Lall
Stephen Hawking
Jeanine McNaught
High-Ranking Military Officials
Mike Davis
The Questionable Saint
Steve...........the Ph.D. Fiber Optics Engineer
Entertainment BigWigs.....like Shatner the Fag
people like this. While everyone is feeding into their narcissism, believing
what they say..........I am a complete unknown crazy person on the internet with very LITTLE experience who earns an entry into the EncyclopediaDramatica as a Batshit, Insane Crazy Woman, running amok trolling message boards, being banned from almost every site, denied entry into a lot of them because my insanity preceeds me................I learn all this stuff I learn that I don't even know what some of it means. Like all the IP numbers. So I take this information I gather online.............go outdoors, into real life (where I am much better) for about..............30 minutes and uncover all kinds of stuff.
The greedy people do not like to be shown as inadequate........especially by a batshitcrazyinsane woman...........so they gas me, try to sever my head, ruin me personally, professionally, financially...........when I run ahead of them in their Powerful game...........they USE their POWERFUL connections to silence me because they would rather go straight to HELL than lose the enormous fortunes they have amassed at YOUR expense. For example.......Medicare. Who pays into the fund??