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Lost season 6 FINAL CHAPTER

Well, with regards to Hurley, he did mow down all those people with the camper van on the beach, so it's not unprecedented. He did seem a lot more badass this week than ever before, though.

I can't believe I didn't realise that was Lando in the Expose scene. I knew it was someone well known, but couldn't figure it out. I like how they make those scenes as absurd as possible.

Some people on imdb think the MiB is gay (it's all in the eyes, apparently) and that the producers are being homophobic by making him the bad guy. :phprolleyes:
The bit with Locke looking into the mirror and seeing MiB's reflection? I supposed the way he looked out the mirror like that was kind of gay!
Good ep this week. Okay, they didn't tell us shit about what happened to Des, but that's pretty typical. He must be alive, though, surely?

I'm not totally convinced that Jack's on UnLocke's side... that nervous expression he pulled after Locke had that guy killed kind of shows he's wavering. And why does he have dynamite with him? I guess after going in the water it won't do any good anyway, but he must've had it ever since they left the black rock, or at least the beach, so what were his original intentions?

Liked the surprise Shannon cameo, though I must admit I didn't recognise her at first. Hotter than I remembered. I wonder how many more former main characters Hurley's been having chats with. He should talk to Mr Eko. :(

None of the real world stuff interested me this week tbh... it's one thing to have a character be morally ambiguous, but I'm starting to think even the writers don't know whether Widmore's good or bad. It seems like in Lost you're either one or the other, usually.

Liked the music at the end. And Kate's boobs. More of that in future, please!

For some reason, they did not air this episode here. Wtf? I thought they were just skipping a week.
I guess the sideways Locke was The Candidate in this episode? Candidate for surgery, MAYBE?

WTF, Jin and Sun dead AT THE SAME TIME? That was really sad. Did Frank make it back to the beach? ALSO, I guess Sayid wasn't completely gone after all, since he sacrificed himself for the rest of them, and now I really doubt he killed Desmond.

I don't like not knowing if Widmore is good or bad. Why can't he be arsed to explain himself, when it would make things much easier for himself?


Lots of stuff happened, like it almost felt like a season finale the amount of stuff that actually happened.

I was really sad when they left Claire behind. :( I hope that now she's good she'll help save Kate but she has to do it naked for some reason also Kate is naked too.
Claire has to brush her hair first, though. SRSLY.

I like Frank, he's got some good one liners now and then. I imagine he'll wash up on the beach somewhere, maybe Richard and Miles will find him.
I think Lapidus is smashed by the imploding door. Notice in all the dividing up of who saved whom, nobody asked about him. Even on the beach. LOL pwned, pilot-boy!
She probably has bad breath, too.

I like Frank even if he doesn't do much, I was sadder to see him get killed(?) off than Sun and Jin, definitely. He should've got killed by that door, really, but I agree he could quite easily turn up again. Probably just when it looks like all the others are about to die. A shot will ring out from a treeline, saving everyone, but with Frank dying in the process.

I liked that they kept us guessing about whether Jack could walk or not right at the beginning, but I'm glad they didn't make him a paraplegic. It just would've been too on the nose and too obvious.

Sad to see Sayid go as he had more potential. Aside from the flashsidewayseses he hasn't had much to do lately, just zombie errands for Smokey. Liked the slightly ironic touch of having an Iraqi saving a bunch of Americans by running with a bomb.
I think if they really wanted to give Sun and Jin a happy ending they'd have given them a few minutes behind the bushes before the Widmore crowd captured them. Sure they kissed a little before they croaked, but let's be honest. If you're Jin and you've been faithful through all that time hopping, you essentially haven't been laid in like forty years. Would you be satisfied with a little lip-wrassling? I think not...
I think Claire is going to snap in a couple weeks, after the Jacob/MiB episode next week (which somebody told me has NO regulars in it, just the origin of those two guys.) Bomb or no, those A-holes left her. Again. When they promised not to. That'd piss me off if I were a crazy jungle-girl...
Haha, my mind drifted during the Sun/Jin death scene and I wondered if they'd have drowning sex off-screen. Orgasming simultaneously just as the life dimmed from their eyes.