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Lost season 6 FINAL CHAPTER

I liked this episode.

-No way Richard is dead.
-Widmore might be alive, the rules could prevent Ben from having killed him. This could have been intentional on Ben's part. He's probably going to double cross the MiB, especially after he blurted out that he was planning to destroy the island, after promising it to Ben to win his loyalty.
-Jack won't be the protector for long. Expecting it to get passed to Hurley in the finale.
-Still no Juliet!
-Alex is hot.
-Liked Jacob's deconstruction of the candidate thing.
-Now we definitely have to wonder what the apparition of Claudia was.
-Nice that they touched on Jack waking up in the bamboo in the pilot.
-No way Richard is dead.
I dunno, man...he got hit pretty hard.

And which way did Miles run? I thought he was in the room with Widmore & Zoe(y)

-Widmore might be alive, the rules could prevent Ben from having killed him. This could have been intentional on Ben's part. He's probably going to double cross the MiB, especially after he blurted out that he was planning to destroy the island, after promising it to Ben to win his loyalty.
That did seem like a colossal blunder, especially since he's been so good at manipulating Ben up 'til now. I have the distinct impression that Ben is on a personal mission to turn the tables on him, though, even if it means killing everyone else in the meantime. I don't think he really believes he's getting the island in the bargain --he knows this is the endgame.

-Jack won't be the protector for long. Expecting it to get passed to Hurley in the finale.
I have that exact same gut feeling...

-Nice that they touched on Jack waking up in the bamboo in the pilot.
Since the sideways timeline is still in 2004, I wonder if they're gonna touch on the Red Sox winning the World Series...Jack will probably celebrating with his kid when suddenly he'll finally get that (real) phone call from the airline saying they found his dad's coffin.
The writers have been adamant about Jack being the next protector of the island. Also, if they didn't fire Matthew Fox after his drunk driving episode, I'm sure he's the one.

I'm fairly sure that they have to do that drink from the cup ritual in order to pass the torch, as it were.

Did anyone else expect for there to be wine in the cup?
Maybe he drank all the wine and that's why they had to use water.

random thoughts:

Funny how, even this close to the end, people are so conditioned by Lost red herrings that we expect more swerves. Richard is dead, and probably so is the pilot. That's what the island does with people it's finished with; erases them suddenly and often painfully. It's time, folks, and not everyone is getting out alive.

Although, for his lengthy service it'd be nice to see Richard get a nice taste of sideways living. But he did want to die he said. Maybe smokey was his reward.

Jack is the keeper now as planned, but what happens when he can't any more. Does he automatically know the words to say when he passes the torch? We could have a Lost sequel where he pulls people in all over again. Or if not, I bet he's gonna be pissed he broke the lighthouse when he finds out the island has no cable reception.

Widmore's boat is now the way off the island and I think Hurley, Sawyer, and Kate make it. Not so Claire, Miles, and the rest.

I did catch a spoiler I won't reveal but if accurate there's a nice cameo during the finale, more substantial than the crappy one this week by Ana Lucia. Concerns a certain middle-aged couple and a four-legged icon.

Finally: No more Lost is gonna suck. I tried to watch V season finale last night and couldn't do it. It just isn't a quality substitute...
I was expecting wine too. Who got fired for drunk driving?

The actresses that played Anna Lucia and Libby both got caught driving drunk shortly before the episode where they were killed by Michael.

The writers of course denied any connection, and apparently Michelle Rodriguez had asked only to be on the show for a year when she signed up anyway.
This was the episode we should have had LAST WEEK.

My favorite bits were Desmond manipulating all the players in the sideways. I can't wait to see what happens when Locke lets go.
Much, much better than last week's.

Miles said he was going to run into the jungle, didn't specify where to, though.

I wondered how Jacob knew the words to the ritual with the cup. You wouldn't expect him to remember after nearly 2,000 years. Maybe all this stuff's written on a wall somewhere? :)

Shocking to see Richard pummeled by Smokey, but I don't think he's dead either. They wouldn't kill him off so bluntly after building up his story so much recently. He's got to have a part to play in the final events, presumably ending with him being allowed mortality.

Loved the bit close to the end with Desmond leading his ragtag group of Losties.

MiB will presumably use the same threat against Penny's life with Des as he did with Widmore.

Using the ash to resurrect Jacob for a few hours was a clever way of allowing him to speak to the others... I wonder if they can burn the ashes of the ashes and do it again?

I doubt very much Ben wants the island. He just wants an end to it all. Getting to exact revenge on Widmore was a nice bonus along the way.
OR he poops and the island blows up.

I REALLY love Desmond's role in all this. How does he know what to do? I mean it's one thing to remember another reality (or whatever you'd call it) but he's acting with purpose to get all these people together. Is some higher power communicating with him? Obviously Mrs Squawkings knows what the deal is as well.


