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Lost season 6 FINAL CHAPTER

Juliet's are big tits.

It might seem that way when you are on an island filled with Sun and Kate.

Kate should have been cast as Seven of Nine. Not just Jeri Ryan, but literally Seven of Nine. This probably would have made the show make more sense as well.
What a load of shite.

First of all, as you say Michelle and Cythia were bust A FEW EPISODES BEFORE they died on the show. Do you REALLY think they completely rewrote the rest of the season and changed their plans because of it? Michael killing them was a HUGE plot point, are you seriously suggesting it only came about thanks to a last minute rewrite? What was the plot for the rest of the season going to be before they were busted?

ABC never confirmed or denied the DUI firings. As of right now, it's popular rumor/conjecture. As Dono pointed out, Michelle Rodriguez might have been axed because of her troublemaker attitude. She didn't get along with the rest of the crew all that well, and she was fighting with the director. I think the DUI was just the nail in the coffin.

Watros was supposed to stay. It followed one of the many lost Lost plot threads: Hurley's insanity. Remember? There was speculation as to whether or not Libby was real or just a figment of Hurley's insane imagination.

Mr Eko wanted to leave the show. They had big plans for the character.

Yes, but, again, I think he was supposed to finish out the season before they fed him to smokey. His death really did seem like a last minute write-in.

"herp da derp. My name's Mr. Eko. I make churches out of wood and I'm not afraid of the big, bad smoke monstOHMYGOD MY ASS IS BEING PULLED OUT OF MY NOSE!"

And I'm hoping your comments on Daniel Dae Kim are just a joke, because you can't REALLY think the reason Jin and Sun died was because the actor did somethng naughty TWO YEARS before. Half the characters have died tragically.

Actually, he did something naughty right at the end of the preceding season. Then, it took a whole year for them to release new episodes. So, yeah, I can see them doing that. Not that I truly believe it, but their deaths were FAR too tragic for this show. I mean, they didn't off Rousseau until an episode or so before/after her daughter's death. They didn't murder Rose and Bernard right after they found out that Rose's cancer was gone. Why would they kill the longest-running couple right after their reunion and before Jin had a chance to meet his kid? That's just mean-spirited.
But they have a good life in the sideways verse, and as we have seen as characters approach death they get to see that other life.

I think the sideways verse is their reward for their efforts and death in the island verse.
problem with that theory is that we've seen all of them in sideways verse. Does that mean no candidates left? Somebody wouldn't be there if he was still "alive".
But that could be the candidates reward, the fact that even though he is now immortal and stuck on the island forever, another version of him is having a good life.
That sucks as much as karma. If I'm going to get the reward, I want to be able to enjoy the reward - not as a reincarnated me that doesn't remember what I went through to get that reward.

You’ve said you didn’t give a code name to the final act because it misleadingly inferred there would be a shock. Is there really no twist at the end?

Cuse: It’s a straightforward idea but we’ve tried to do it in an engaging way. A lot of series have ended with big, twisty revelations, like it all took place in a snowglobe. Or it was a dream. The audience will not be snowglobed at the end of Lost. We wanted to give a fair, legitimate ending. The island isn’t gonna be an alien spaceship and fly away.

So much for my idea...although in my defense, I never expected it to reactivate & take off or anything. :ohwell:
The ONLY one that's suspect is Watros after doing that cliffhanger where she's in Hurley's insane asylum (but I don't remember anyone speculating that she wasn't real, other characters interacted with her besides Hurley), but she's guest starred in the show since (as has Rodriguez) and MY MAIN POINT IS the Lost writers aren't going to completely change the whole direction of the show just because someone got arrested.
Eko had no idea he was talking to the Smoke Monster before he got killed, he thought it was his brother. It was a bit of an abrupt death, but he didn't have a sudden change of heart or an irrational lack of fear toward Smokey. It made perfect sense.
Eko's death makes sense, looking back. The Smoke Monster was planning to manipulate Eko into killing Jacob, as he'd earlier done with Richard. But when Eko was unrepentant, the Monster knew he had no use for him and killed Eko. SEE, THAT WORKS.
LESS THAN THREE HOURS TIL THE BIG SHOW. I think I'll watch Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight too. It'll be like the Survivor reunion show.
six or so hours sleep, and the alarm set for 15 minutes before it comes on, just hope sky hasnt sensored any violence with it being on so early
I won't see it until Tuesday so please don't have any spoilers in thread titles or anything, anyone (no one does that anyway, BUT STILL.)
Wow, that was,... vague.

I get that Jack is dead, but did he die saving the island, or did he and everyone else die in the first crash, and the rest of it was just their fantasy?

I'm going to have to watch that again.
I changed the title so that we don't have to use spoiler tags. ;)

My take on it (and keep in mind I only watched parts of it and I never really watched the show before tonight) based on what I saw and what I'm reading online since: Everything on the island really happened, and the sideways world is a purgatory/limbo where they all got together outside of time. Jack died putting the rock back, and Hurley and the other guy did watch the island for a long time after that. And the others did get off the island in the plane, despite the confusing images of the wrecked fusilage while the closing credits flew by.

Jack's dad told him that everyone dies, some before him and some after him. So the gathering in the church was just what they all do to meet and greet as each of them dies? But maybe it looks different to each person who dies.

Well, that was interesting. Now I just have to watch the rest of the series.