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Lost season 6 FINAL CHAPTER

Yeah that seems reasonable.

I didn't see Frank in the church, but we didn't see everyone clearly, so he could have been.

Shame there was no Walt or Michael, or Eko for that matter.
I changed the title so that we don't have to use spoiler tags. ;)

My take on it (and keep in mind I only watched parts of it and I never really watched the show before tonight) based on what I saw and what I'm reading online since: Everything on the island really happened, and the sideways world is a purgatory/limbo where they all got together outside of time. Jack died putting the rock back, and Hurley and the other guy did watch the island for a long time after that. And the others did get off the island in the plane, despite the confusing images of the wrecked fusilage while the closing credits flew by.

Jack's dad told him that everyone dies, some before him and some after him. So the gathering in the church was just what they all do to meet and greet as each of them dies? But maybe it looks different to each person who dies.

Well, that was interesting. Now I just have to watch the rest of the series.

I like the sideways-as-purgatory angle. It might also explain why Ben remained outside the church...maybe he felt he still had some things to atone for.

Also, the whole "time has no meaning in the Nexus" thing would explain why Penny was there as well, despite having never been on the island and being, AFAIK, not wracked with flaws. Even she would die eventually, and be there for Desmond.

Speaking of Desmond, in the "real" timeline is he once again stuck on the island? Doe he recover his boat and sail off again?

Lastly, I found the ultimate fate of MiB to be a bit mundane, but clever all the same.
I think the ending would have been a lot less ambigous if Jack hadnt chosen the exact same place he woke up in in the first episode to lay down and die, I mean I get the symetry and all, but you can see how it would get confusing, especially with the view of the wreckage at the end, something that was supposed to have been long since washed away.
I'm still a little unclear what was stopping Flocke from just taking Desmonds boat at any time and leaving the island.
I think Locke/MiB is good & dead this time, and left rotting for the seagulls. How? I think when Desmond pulled the plug, MiB not only got locked as Locke :rimshot: but made mortal as well --at least long enough for Kate to smoke :rimshot: his ass before Jack went down & fixed things.
Archie Nixon's "Lost" Fun Family Moment: My wife, who has the ADORABLE habit of channeling TV animals' thoughts when we watch stuff, waited 'til that final scene where Jack lies down and Vincent, the Labrador of Death, affectionately nuzzles up next to him --at which point she says in her low, large dog impersonation tone, "I'm going to eat your body when you're dead."
I think the ending would have been a lot less ambigous if Jack hadnt chosen the exact same place he woke up in in the first episode to lay down and die, I mean I get the symetry and all, but you can see how it would get confusing, especially with the view of the wreckage at the end, something that was supposed to have been long since washed away.
This "ambiguity" didn't even register with me. I just assumed all those plane bits at the end were the remains of 815...most of them looked half-buried in sand, anyway. I don't recall any instance where it was said to have washed away.
Oh there IS a dog in Lost. Last night's Simpsons' Bart wrote on the chalkboard: "Lost Finale: It was all the dog's dream. Watch us instead."

(or something like that)
I didn't think anything was ambiguous. Jack died from being stabbed by the MiB, and then getting a big dose of electromagnetic holy light. He passed responsibility for the island to Hurley before he went down there because he knew he would die. Desmond had to turn off the light to make the MiB mortal. That would be why Jacob had Widmore bring Desmond to the island. I imagine the light was actually what was holding the MiB on the island, and not the rules. As long as the candidates were alive there was someone to protect the light.

I thought The End was great. The sideways was definitely a type of limbo. They all had to remember their lives before they could move on. There was really no reason for Walt or Michael to be there. Walt had much more life away from the island, so his limbo would most likely be different. Maybe Micheal was freed after Hurley forgave him. They probably couldn't get the actor who played Eko to come back, or maybe they didn't want to deal with him.

I believe Kate, Sawyer, Miles, Richard, Frank and Desmond all made it off the island. Hurley and Ben probably help Desmond find his way home. Plus they still have the MiB's boat. The plane wreckage on the beach was from the original crash. I think they showed it again for sentimental reasons, not to make anyone wonder if the plane Frank was flying crashed.
I absolultely LOVED the finale. It was emotional, truthful, satisfying, and magnificent. Did I mention emotional? I cried a little when each character "downloaded" their previous memories. Especially Jin and Sun, Juliet and Sawyer, and Kate and Claire. When Jack realized he was dead and started weeping, and his Dad comforted him, big tears.

And then those bastards had to have Vincent come and lie next to Jack while he was dying, so they could elicit big gasping sobs from me. Shit, I'm getting choked up as a write this (but, then, I'm a big pussy; I had to hold back tears on Friday when I was watching my Son perform in his kindergarten play).

I'm gonna have to watch this one again. I also saved Ab Aeterno, which IMHO is the best episode of the series, bar none.

I'm not sure if can say definitively that Lost is my favorite series ever, but it's in the top 2 or three.

Wow. Just...magnificent.
I've just rocked it on Sky Player. Loved it. Great ending to a cracking series, with some truly memorable characters down the years. It spoiled us with hours of quality entertainment. It will be missed.
Lost's Mr. Eko Turned Down Finale Guest Spot!

Today 6:50 AM PDT by Kristin Dos Santos

Why didn't Mr. Eko come back?

It's one of the most asked questions about Lost's final season. After all, everyone else returned! So what gives? Sources tell me exclusively:

Lost's Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje—who played the iconic Mr. Eko—was offered a guest spot in last night's Lost series finale, but he...wait for it...turned it down.

According to ABC and Lost insiders, Adewale was offered a hearty sum to do one scene in the last hurrah, but the actor wanted five times the amount that was offered. It didn't work out.

How and where would Adewale have popped up in the finale? I guess we'll never know, but he was definitely loved by many fans before his character's demise.

Eko (a warlord who pretended to be a priest in order to smuggle drugs) was the fifth character to die on Lost, after facing the Smoke Monster for a second time and getting attacked, and then telling Locke, "I saw the devil."

Producers have said their original plan was for Mr. Eko to stay on the show four seasons, but they released Adewale from his contract after only one season because he wanted off the Island.
Money money money.
Eko is a twat, I hope he never works again.

Just watched it again with Jenny, its much clearer second time round, when you know what's coming, and even things like "lets get a coffee, we can go dutch" from the first episode of this season makes sense now.

Still emotional second time round too, maybe even more so.
What a dummy.

But I didn't really notice his absence. There were so many other people there at the end that I only picked up on Walt not being there, who I agree, wasn't there because the most important part of his life wouldn't have been on the island.

Anyway, brilliant finale. Very satisfying and, really, it answered all the questions that were really important. The only thing that let it down for me was that Ashes to Ashes (the sequel series to Life on Mars) used the purgatory idea in its finale too this week, with all the characters having to remember their past lives and deaths before they could move on.
Yeah I too thought that was a really good finale. A great way to both wrap up all the character stuff and say "Hey you know what these last six seasons have been pretty awesome." Great to see Shannon and Boone and Juliet's tits.

And I'm so happy they ended it with the shot of Jack closing his eye. As soon as he lied down in the bamboo I was hoping that's exactly what they'd do and they did and it was great.

I mean what surprised me is that "lol they're all going to heaven actually" could've been done really badly (and no doubt a lot of people will hate it and scream "BUT WHAT WAS THE FUCKING HURLEY BIRD?????????") but fuck those guys, it worked really well.

I'LL MISS LOST. I want a spin-off of Sawyer and Kate and Claire and Lapidus and Miles and Kate's tits and Claire's tits all having wacky adventures.

Or Hurley and Ben on the island trying a new way to get Dosmond home every episode.