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Lost season 6 FINAL CHAPTER

FINALLY the second biggest question in Lost (after "How did Montand lose his arm?") has been answered:

We now know what happened to Aldo.


Oh and Claire is back and she's great AND she's gone all Rousseau AND Ethan is not on the island in the alternate timeline which means that maybe Alex and Juliet might pop up again.
I agree with what Menty said. It wasn't a terrible episode and yes we did learn things here and there, but I'm tired of A-Team missions, as the Lost fans term them. Enough walking across the bleedin island in search of eachother and meeting people who are mysterious only for the sake of it, let's find out something new!

The only minor intriguing thing I noticed in the ep was that Claire's hospital gown seemed to have a pattern of virus symbols on it, so I wondered if that was a hint about the other Claire being "infected", like Sayid is supposed to be. On the other hand, that could just be how American hospital gowns look.
Yes I agree with the general feeling of this being a bit of a letdown after last week. And I know they had to slow things down again but they could have done it in a less annoying way. I AGREE WITH CASSIE about the Others just getting ridiculous now. They KNOW Jacob sent Jack and friends so why not just trust them and actually tell them what the fuck is going on? Because it's only the third episode of the season, of course.

With the Kate stuff, the one thing I thought was "well I hope they don't just show Kate on the run but in a slightly different reality!" and...they did, pretty much. We didn't really learn anything new from it and if that timeline is erased then it'll seem like even more of a waste (of course the island timeline could be the one ereased and this knew timeline is the primte timeline really. Timeline.) Yeah, Ethan was a good cameo and I suppose it shows that some people got off the island before the bomb and had normal lives.

Sawyer did some good acting.

I wonder how Claire got so good at building traps. Are her and Sayid supposed to be evil now? Or does the inefection just make people run around the island building traps?
I can sort of imagine that little Claire somehow got all those rocks up there, but where in the hell did she find a genuine metal bear trap?

While it was filler, it did seem to go fast, when the final reveal happened I thought it was just another comercial break till the titles came on and I was like "fuuuuuucccckkkkkk!!!!!"

I think the others are acting like they are because Jacob is dead, if he were still alive they would be more fearful of upseting him or defying him, but now I guess they think they have nothing to lose by doing things there own way.

I have been reading about a Malenesian culture in the pacific islands that sprung up after the war and is based on cargo planes that had crash landed on the islands. Eventually they began to worship the planes form, rather than their function.

Weird and the confusion that arose out of an island mentality without external stimulus to question.

I am not up to date with lost, but I thought it had some parralels.
Yes, that has always interested me. I kind of want to trap a group of savages on an island and keep sending people dressed as bears and giant ducks there with food to see if they start up a religion dedicated to bears and giant ducks.
Wow.. I never heard of that before! "Meet the Natives" makes a little more sense now.
"The Prince Philip Movement, also on the island of Tanna, worships Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Queen Elizabeth II."

Yes - that one particularly amused me as well.

I wonder if he calls them "slanty eyed foreigners" as his is want.

RANDY STILL A DOUCHE BAG... but Hurley is a a mega awesome business man? lol. So in this alternate universe Ben is off the island and a prissy school teacher, wonder if that means he was never on the island to begin with? Something makes me think this verse isn't real.. Locke's dad isn't a dirtbag, Hurley is lucky - we'll have to see how that all plays out.

The numbers are mentioned but still not explained. Jacob assigned numbers to all the Losties, the "candidates" to take his place as protector of the island. What will happen to the world if the MIB gets off the island? I think Sawyer will snap out of his anger in time, can't have evil unleashed on the world!

For some reason I'm having trouble remembering everything.. I don't think this episode was much better than the last one.

(taken from tvsquad they could be wrong)
4 - Locke (John)
8 - Reyes (Hurley)
15 - Ford (Sawyer)
16 - Jarrah (Sayid)
23 - Shephard (Jack)
42 - Kwon (Sun or Jin -- we don't know)
I thought this episode ROCKED th' BOX. Terry O'Quinn was fucking awesome as Sideways Lock/UnLocke, and Holloway continues to impress. It was heartbreaking to see Rose who is now dying of cancer.

GREAT to see Sideways Locke embrace his limitations and deal with it instead of being a crybaby.

Oh, and I think Sawyer is bullshitting UnLocke. There's no way he'd abandon all of his friends on the island because Smokey offered him a way off. That's more a Locke thing to do. Sawyer is nothing if not loyal.

Also liked the bit with the 2 parallel ladders leading to the cliff cave. The fact that you need to "cross over" from one ladder to another suggests that the parallel storylines will cross at some point.

So, has Jacob "died" numerous times? Illyana scooped up what appeared to be his ashes, but it's the same white ash that protected everyone from Smokey before. Interesting.

The first really good episode of the season, can't wait until next Lostday!
I liked this episode!!!!!!

It's nice that in the ALTERNATE universe things seem to be pretty chill. Locke's got a nice new teaching job with Ben. Maybe they can play Risk together! AND he's still with Katy Sagal AND maybe his Dad's cool now for some reason.

Also I wonder how Ben got off the island after the nuke went off. It's been hinted that the island didn't sink right away, so I guess he had time to get off, BUT I'D LIKE TO SEE THAT STORY.

ALSO Kate's name wasn't on THE WALL. IS KATE OKAY???
they played this episode early, i was shocked and even checked wikipedia to make sure it was a new episode and not a rerun i missed that they were showing early.

that kid is jacob right? why is he being reborn?

my theory on sawyer is that HE'S the new jacob, so that's why the smoke monster wants him off the island so bad. but hurley's before sawyer on the list...whats the deal?
seriously badass ep. i love the look unlocke gave to james after he saved him from falling, and the "private joke" was pretty smashing, too.
"Weirdest damned funeral I've ever been to..."

Very good ep! Revealed some interesting stuff and gave us some interesting questions, rather than just leading us through the jungle like last time. Since the off-island Losties seem to be developing better lives than the ones on-island, I imagine the two groups will merge by the end of the season, with the off-islanders all waking up one day thinking "dude, that was a weird dream".
Kates lack of a number makes me wonder if her number is up.

See what I did there?

Yeah, I don't buy James reply for one second, he is playing Fake Locke to see where it goes.
BTW, anyone else think Locke had some early morning wood when he woke up in bed and the sheet was sticking right up between his legs?

That had to be intentional right?

Mind you Sawyers boxers were doing the same thing so maybe it was a running gag.