Claire has CRAZY HAIR.. lol I was expecting to see baby birds peeking out of it at any moment.
Do the others just TRY to get the crazies to be crazier? They tortured Rousseau, they tortured Claire, they tortured Sayid.. wtf? What do they think burning someone with a hot poker will accomplish? SCREAMS? Yes, screaming when being burnt obviously proves you are infected. I think the Others are infected, infected with RETARD. If Rousseau was infected then she was much more reasonable than Claire, so perhaps Rousseau wasn't infected, but that doesn't explain why they stole her daughter from her and left her out in the jungle by herself.
I actually enjoyed Jack in this episode, in fact I like him much better now than I did in past seasons. I thought it was cool that he has a son in this other reality, but this makes me think this reality isn't going to be real for long.. Also they chose a good actor to play his son.
Hurley is cute and adorable as ever. Now he knows how to get whatever he wants from the Others, the ninja assassin guy's face was great. GREAT FACE ACTING ON ALL PARTS.
The previews for next week are as mysterious as they could possibly make them! QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED.