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Lost season 6 FINAL CHAPTER

Was that the season of the writer's strike? Maybe they planned on having her back, but ran out of time.
I think it was season three...whichever season had the flashback showing Ben's birth and early life on the island.

She gave him little statues.

WTF? All week I've been seeing the promo QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED, they made this episode out to be so question answery that they wouldn't show clips because they didn't want to spoil it for us. The whole time I kept expecting to have some big mystery solved, but IT NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED. In that sense the episode was disappointing, but it was still a good episode.. I was just left with an unsatisfied feeling regarding question answering.

We already knew Locke is smokey. We already knew Claire is crazy (but still hot, thank you Miles). The flash sideways was pretty interesting, I think more interesting than the island stuff. KEAMY! So he was a mobster or something, shaking down Sayid's brother. Perhaps one of the questions answered was "is Sayid good or evil?" I guess he is EVIL. Dogan was the only thing keeping smokey out of the temple, not the powder, so wtf is the powder for? The Others piss me off with their mysterious bullshit. If Dogan had been honest with Sayid from the start NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED, imo. Sayid makes a deal with the devil so he can have Nadia back... but will smokey keep his side of the bargain? ALSO, maybe Jin owed Keamy all that money he had in his suitcase, MAYBE Jin borrowed it so he could run away with Sun. I'll be glad when we find out what's up with Jin and Sun. I don't think Kate is on team smokey, but she'll pretend to be long enough to survive.

WTF? All week I've been seeing the promo QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED, they made this episode out to be so question answery that they wouldn't show clips because they didn't want to spoil it for us. The whole time I kept expecting to have some big mystery solved, but IT NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED. In that sense the episode was disappointing, but it was still a good episode.. I was just left with an unsatisfied feeling regarding question answering.

We already knew Locke is smokey. We already knew Claire is crazy (but still hot, thank you Miles). The flash sideways was pretty interesting, I think more interesting than the island stuff. KEAMY! So he was a mobster or something, shaking down Sayid's brother. Perhaps one of the questions answered was "is Sayid good or evil?" I guess he is EVIL. Dogan was the only thing keeping smokey out of the temple, not the powder, so wtf is the powder for? The Others piss me off with their mysterious bullshit. If Dogan had been honest with Sayid from the start NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED, imo. Sayid makes a deal with the devil so he can have Nadia back... but will smokey keep his side of the bargain? ALSO, maybe Jin owed Keamy all that money he had in his suitcase, MAYBE Jin borrowed it so he could run away with Sun. I'll be glad when we find out what's up with Jin and Sun. I don't think Kate is on team smokey, but she'll pretend to be long enough to survive.

Still processing my thoughts on last night's episode, but I agree, it was a bit of a letdown because last week's teaser promised answers. Overall it was a solid ep, but I expected one or two things to be resolved or at least expounded upon.

The teaser for next week stated that there are only 10 more eps until the finale, so figure 12 total, if you count the finale as 2 separate episodes. I'm starting to get a sick feeling that they're fucking with us, and that they don't have answers for a lot of stuff, and somehow the last 2-3 episodes will be crammed full of "answers". I sure hope not.
Well I hadn't seen any of those previews, so I wasn't expecting anything in particular.

Hmm... yeah, I suppose we didn't find out anything, but I still enjoyed the ep and at the very least, didn't find it boring. Naveen Andrews is such a good actor.

There's not much to analyse, really. It was kind of funny how the Losties kept walking in and out of the Temple like they owned the place. :)
See that's why it's always a bad idea to believe the promos as they're not controlled by the people who actually make the show and will lie to you most of the time. Remember when the promos said "A BIG MAJOR HUGE MYSTERY WILL BE SOLVED NEXT WEEK" and we got the answer to... Jack's tattoos.
Yeah, I'll never believe the promos AGAIN. I was waiting and waiting for a big reveal, because the promo was so blatantly saying that we would have an answer to SOMETHING. So, I think I would have enjoyed the episode much more if i hadn't had that anticipation through the whole thing. I WANT MORE MILES.

Here's the promo they showed all week. TRICKSY BASTARDS.

See that's why it's always a bad idea to believe the promos as they're not controlled by the people who actually make the show and will lie to you most of the time. Remember when the promos said "A BIG MAJOR HUGE MYSTERY WILL BE SOLVED NEXT WEEK" and we got the answer to... Jack's tattoos.

When Kate finally shoved the hippie dude up against the wall, I was like, "FINALLY!" the Losties have been through so much shit with Ben and his others, these pussies should be a pushover. I think they genuinely don't have any regard for Dogen and his crew. Like Jack, Jin, Sawyer, Hurley, Kate...everyone but Miles has just said "Screw this noise, I'm outta here" at one point.

Srsly, if our Losties wanted to, they'd be running the temple in 5 minutes.

I must admit, it was a bit shocking that Sayid killed Dogen and his hippie underling. The look on Ben's face when he saw the pure evil look on Sayid's face was awesome.

Terry O'Quinn as Unlocke is doing some amazing work as well.
i loved it - sayid the badass in the alternate timeline, smokey ruining the temple, claire and sayid so evil you could almost see the black ooze running from their ears.

forget the promos, answers will come when they come. with 10 episodes left, they're are making more setup now for more payoff later. i cannot wait, it's going to be fucking sweet.
So does Emilie de Ravin have a line in her contract that she must get a certain amount of down-blouse shots every episode?

Because really

There was a girl at work did a similar pose the other day, its almost hard to believe you could see that much boob and still have no nipple.

Like the rest of you the episode was a little so so for me, the last ten minutes was pretty good, but the dividing up of the losties seems a little forced.

Jack, Hurley and Jin against Flocke, Claire and Syied, with Kate and Sawyer coning along for the ride, with the also rans running back and forth between.

Hope next weeks has something more substantial to offer
There should have been a bit where Sayid found the kid others hiding in the Temple and one of them said "Mister Sayid, the Smoke Monster is killing everyone, what are we going to do?" AND SAYID TURNS HIS LIGHTSABRE ON...

I actually thought this was the best episode since the season premiere. Naveen Andrews did a good job and we got more of an idea of how the Smoke Monster works. It was still kept ambiguous to just how much of a choice Sayid had in the whole thing, if he couldn't stop the "darkness" in him or if he could have chosen to stay good and not give in to the Smoke Monster's offer. The ending scene was quite haunting with Claire singing (AND EMILIE DESERVES ACTING PRAISE TOO. AND TIT PRAISE.)
Yes, they're nice, but you think Claire is less fit than Charlotte and Ilana? (No offence to them as they're alright too!)


1) Kate
2) Claire
3) Juliet
4) Alex
5) Shannon
6) Ana Lucia
7) Ilana
8) Charlotte
9) I can't remember anymore...Rose I guess.
Yes, they're nice, but you think Claire is less fit than Charlotte and Ilana? (No offence to them as they're alright too!)


1) Kate
2) Claire
3) Juliet
4) Alex
5) Shannon
6) Ana Lucia
7) Ilana
8) Charlotte
9) I can't remember anymore...Rose I guess.
I wasn't even thinking of those two, I'd go:

1) Alex
2) Kate
3) Juliet (depending on my mood she could swap with Kate)
4) Shannon
4.5) Libby
5) Ana Lucia
6) Claire
7) Ilana
8) Charlotte (Her complexion, hair, and eyes really didn't work together)