WTF? All week I've been seeing the promo QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED, they made this episode out to be so question answery that they wouldn't show clips because they didn't want to spoil it for us. The whole time I kept expecting to have some big mystery solved, but IT NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED. In that sense the episode was disappointing, but it was still a good episode.. I was just left with an unsatisfied feeling regarding question answering.
We already knew Locke is smokey. We already knew Claire is crazy (but still hot, thank you Miles). The flash sideways was pretty interesting, I think more interesting than the island stuff. KEAMY! So he was a mobster or something, shaking down Sayid's brother. Perhaps one of the questions answered was "is Sayid good or evil?" I guess he is EVIL. Dogan was the only thing keeping smokey out of the temple, not the powder, so wtf is the powder for? The Others piss me off with their mysterious bullshit. If Dogan had been honest with Sayid from the start NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED, imo. Sayid makes a deal with the devil so he can have Nadia back... but will smokey keep his side of the bargain? ALSO, maybe Jin owed Keamy all that money he had in his suitcase, MAYBE Jin borrowed it so he could run away with Sun. I'll be glad when we find out what's up with Jin and Sun. I don't think Kate is on team smokey, but she'll pretend to be long enough to survive.