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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It hadn't been run in syndication for years, but now it's being aired at night on the Antenna channel, which is available both over the air and on cable/satellite> So lots of people are getting to see it again.
Marvel's Merry Mutant Agents of X.M.E.N. will be next and don't expect to see Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Beast, Rogue, etc.
I saw it earlier this eve and agree with all you guys. Great to see Book and Gunn again, nice Joss Whedony lines, but, while I liked it, it didn't leave me desperate to see the next episode. I don't really care about the dark pasts of unrealistically attractive hackers I've just met, or what obviously happened to Coulson after he died. And they didn't really tell us what the show will be about, aside from a freak of the week type formula, which has been done to death now.

It certainly was entertaining and I will keep watching, but I feel like they almost slacked off a little knowing that people would watch whatever they did.
The first season of any show is a shakedown period. Since we've been reading that Joss had to come in and rewrite some of teh later scripts this season, I'm willing to wait to see what shape it takes in season 2. (It will get there, the premiere ratings were killer)
Well only one site reported the "Joss rewriting scripts" story so who knows if that's true. Or how involved he really is (and he'd certainly be even less involved in season two with Avengers 2 in production then.)
Here are 2 of my personal opinions regarding "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

1. IT SUCKS!! (i haven't watched it)
2. YOU people are too easily entertained (a hunch)

PS: I HATE YOU ALL!!!!! (possibly untrue)
Alright, so this second episode didn't seem that great. It wasn't terrible, though. It was entertaining and fast paced with lots of action, but even the characters in the show know that it was TOO SOON.
Coulson is gonna turn out to be a life model decoy. Marvel used them for years any time they wanted to kill Nick Fury or somebody for shock value. The show has so far been pretty cliche in the writing and plotlines. I was pretty disappointed to see you-know-who portrayed as "generic angry police captain guy" like in every frigging cop show ever. Has there ever been a boss character who didn't yell and holler and ultimately let the incorrigible rulebending hero get his way?
That may not be until mid-season 2. It will get great ratings, but hardcore fans won't like it until it finds its creative footing.
The show probably lost the people who thought there would be Avengers in it, OR SOMETHING? I know there were people complaining that they thought the show would have superheroes in it.
It's up against The Voice and NCIS, two of the biggest shows on TV. It will never get those kinds of ratings, but I think if it maintains the 18-49 numbers it got this week it will be fine. The audience is young, so any viewers they steal from The Voice is considered a victory.