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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Why was the first five minutes a 100 year old woman talking about Jesus, an advert for another shit Channel 4 panel show and an overly long Channel 4 ident?

Why is the English girl so fucking annoying?
I like the English girl!

I thought it was okay. It was very much "The Train Job", in that it was a second episode of a show that spent it's entire pilot setting things up and not showing what it would be on a weekly basis. I think proclaiming it as terrible because it's still obviously finding it's feet is a bit silly, because all shows need that time. It would be like giving up on Buffy after "I, Robot, You Jane" because it was a terrible episode.

That said, Agent Boring and Overly Attractive Hacker have no chemistry and it feels like they're trying to do some sort of awkward thing between them and I hope not because blaugh.
I liked it, although it was very predictable, I even guessed exactly what she would reply with in her text.

Once again a completely unrealistic view on aircraft de pressurisation, but makes for an exciting scene.

(in real life, the internal pressure would match the outside after the first few seconds.)
English girl's accent just sounds completely fake. Like I know the actress is English, but she's from Sheffield and I'm pretty sure they don't sound like that? It sounds like she's doing what Americans think of as an English accent. Like whenever they had English people on Frasier.

I like Coulson and Ming-Na, but the I know it was a "the team getting to know each other!" episode but I think I'd rather just watch a competent team than have them arguing in cliched tv ways. Or a series about Samuel L Jackson shouting at people about fish tanks.

I think Hacker Girl is better at the dialogue than the other three but yeah I don't think Bland Guy would have chmeistry chemistry set (he's bland.)

It just feels like they've been told to make a nineties action adventure style show and that's what they're doing. Maybe the tone will change as it goes on.
I realise even TNG had a ropey first couple of seasons, so I won't be writing it off just yet, but I may be writing it off as something I want to watch. It feels like a really shallow cartoon where they keep throwing explosions and fight scenes at the screen in the hope of distracting you from the lack of proper story telling. Hopefully it'll pick up in time, but I don't think it's for me.
I'm sure there's someone out there who found Richard Wilson sexy.

Colin Morgan as Ariel in The Tempest earlier this year...mmmmmm...


I liked tonight's, even though it was kind of cookie-cutter, spy vs. spy fare.

I think maybe Joss is attempting to add a more tongue-in-cheek tone to the show's use of old cliches, like the hand-to-hand combat scenes where one guy takes down a small army of ninjas with single karate chops, and they each just lay down. But I don't know if the people he is working with realize this, and it's not coming through yet. There are traces of a POV to the show's style, but it's not fully formed yet.
I tried to watch it so I could hang out in this thread and be down with my MF friends:

My 12 year old daughter said:

It reminds me of a bad episode of that dinosaur thing
(she meant Primeval, and I thought she was harsh but had a point)
OH, and I guess Helo was unavailable so they got a lookalike to play Quinn. I think Helo gives Joss an erection.
I tried to watch it so I could hang out in this thread and be down with my MF friends:

My 12 year old daughter said:

(she meant Primeval, and I thought she was harsh but had a point)

She does! It's very reminiscent. Secret government agency, attempts at witty character interplay, somehow lots of seeming high stakes situations, but lacking any actual tension.