10. She has an accent.
9. She admits to loving sex.
8. She drives a motorcycle.
7. She has a sexy voice.
6. She has nice breasts.
5. She has a great ass.
4. She looks like a porn star.
3. She has full lips.
2. She talks dirty.
1. You can catch a peek of her undies.
tiff_7_17 said:Haha Lil,
I read the title and I said out loud Cosmo before I even read. That's the last issue I bought before I came to China so its one of the few I have with me lying around...I know the article backwards and front .
I quite enjoy sex on the beach...the element of getting caught and all, the waves, blah blah blah its all quite cliche but a favorite of mine.
The cardinal sex rule:
When in doubt, lube.
Works for me most of the time. .
Donovan said:I always hated sex on the beach because the sand just got into everything. Yikes.