Troll Kingdom

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Cool. Now I have to teach Mandi how to have a drink without dribbling blood on the carpet. Do we get our own crypts or do we have to share.
Shatna said:


(I don't think that's pastel.)

LOL, it is an excellent choice. :bigass:
Lingerie models should never wear heels. It's hard enough not stepping on all the tongues around here without adding heels to it. ;)
Shatna said:
And here's our new addition, Mandi:



I love it!!!! would it be possible tho to put a little more red into my outfit? If's awesome the way it is. Thanks Shatna
Now I'm really a cat lady! Woo hooooo! Thanks, Shatna. You rock. And congratulations on memorizing the spelling of my nick. :P
You know, I almost hate to suggest this, except that it would be funny as hell -- the house has a "basement" (yes, I know that in-game this would probably require an entirely different, seperate building with a set of "stairs to nowhere" to simulate a basement). That basement, dear people, is Day Care. We will, of course, need at least one Sim constantly jumping up and down, with the classic Phyllis Diller-head icon we all know so well composited over the face.
It's being worked on -- but I don't know how much of it you'll be able to adapt to the game. You may have to do it as a comic, and the TKers will be playing parts. How are you with science fiction settings?
I have a lot of Trek stuff I can use, and the rest I can fake. The challenge will be fun, let's see what we can do!