Queen Mud
I'm going to note down plotholes and annoying things as I watch it...
So Russell is dead by the end of the teaser. Was it even worth bringing him back for this season? How did Eric know where Russell was? What was the point of the Elder Fairy last week going out on her own and...ah, fuck it. Agreed
UNLIKE GOT I always skip the opening titles with True Blood.
Oh no, Ricky's in danger! We all care what happens to her! Who?
It's funny how none of the naked humans ask "hey, how can that guy turn into a fly?" whenever Sam shows up. Yeah
This really doesn't have the urgency of a season finale. Never Does
The fairy's having an orgasm birth. "I have no idea what's happening." "Who does?" OMGWTFBBQ
How come no vampire mentioned how amazing Sookie smells up until now (other than Eric and Russell) but now every one of them notices it? She's encoutered lots of vampires in the last five seasons. They have
Sam blew up Sharon Osborn vampire from inside. Okay, that was cool. Best part of the whole season
Luna feels ill because she has clothes on for the first time in weeks. I hate that bitch
Jason kills Chelsea. Was she actually evil or just a secretary doing her job? Guess it doesn't matter! He of course manages to hit the heart first time with every shot. Had to be a vamp with the anti-mainstream theme and all
Nora flying looks really cheap. Agreed
I actually liked the Tara/Pam scenes all season and now they're kissing and it's kind of silly. I totally missed that Pam is supposed to be a lesbian too. Pam's been Bi the whole time
What happened to all the naked humans? They're still in the fridge
Still waiting for Bill to reveal his masterplan! Eat Sookeh
Drinking Lilith's blood made Bill's clothes disappear! It turned him to goo then the puddle reassembled... Apparently Lillith's magic blood doesn't understand the molecular structure of cotton
Not one mention of "Warlow" in the entire episode. I bet "Warlow" defeats Billith in Season 6