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True Blood season 6

Maybe he'll explain how they have the knowledge of 18 year olds when they're really just three days old...nah...

This episode was entertaining in a crazy True Blood way. A lot happened, at least. Some of it was really stupid (the Warlow flashbacks), some was funny "God wants us to fuck!" and some was quite good (the camp stuff.) Does anyone care if Sookie dies?

This episode was entertaining in a crazy True Blood way. A lot happened, at least. Some of it was really stupid (the Warlow flashbacks), some was funny "God wants us to fuck!" and some was quite good (the camp stuff.) Does anyone care if Sookie dies?
CAVE FAIRIES!! That was stupid, but in a funny way. I KNEW Billith was going to get Warlow somehow, but I didn't think about him being Warlow's maker.

I loved the vampire prison camp. Eric is STILL the best thing about this season of TB. Also, Pam's scenes were pretty fantasitic, and Jessica being all hopped up on fairy juice was great. Tara is good this season, too. OR at least she is not annoying anymore.

I am sad to say that I don't care what happens to Sookie anymore. What has happened to her?
I've liked the last 2 episodes, stupid cave-faeries aside. Interesting to see how they'll write their way out of this one.

But I think Pam is toast, which would suck.

Good to see Lafayette still sucks at his magic. OOPS!
I don't mind Sookie this season. She's not such a pitiful woman anymore and I think it's high time she got pissed off at everyone trying to use her.

And is it just me, or is Eric even more sexier this season? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM yeah.

Now, my only question, since Sookie is dead to Bill(ith) I take it he won't care when he senses that she's in danger. And won't Eric sense it too?? Whatever happened to that connection?
Well Eric's got his hands full fighting Pam to the death (and maybe Sookie uninviting him took away his connection to her, who the fuck knows) and Bill's busy being weird...

Maybe Sookie will remember she can create a ball of deadly light at any time and use that.
The problem with True Blood? It sucks and not in a good way. I blame the writers and their penchant for deus ex macina. They have turned the personalities of the all the characters on end hoping something will stick. Instead, they have taken all the parts of different characters that the audience came to love and made them into unappealing strangers. The writers have forgotten that we the viewers need a connection with the characters. We need to understand what drives our hero/heroine and feel sympathy for them, emphathize with their struggles. I find nothing appearling about what the writers have done to all of the characters. I am left with repugnance at those that I used to like.

In other words, the writers have lost their way, and their audience. They no longer connect with the formerly adoring viewers. This show is in serious danger of becoming just a campy one-liner joke. There are no redeeming characters, they are all dispicable.

I can't remember when I stopped being surprised at the end of True Blood when the characters and the music keyed up and I thought to myself: "Already? It's over already? Too soon, I can't wait until next weeks episode to see what happens." Now, I just don't care. Let's cue up that sad Peggy Lee song: "Is That All There Is?"
I felt that way last season, but I have been enjoying this one so far. I mean, I hate the wolf story line, and I'm not very excited about Terry's story line... BUT I love Eric even more this season than in previous ones so I guess that kind of makes up for the shitty parts.
Yeah, Cassie, I don't like what they're doing with Terry either. Ugh...another character I enjoyed for the first couple seasons, but once he hooked up with Arlene (who is even more annoying now) I just roll my eyes whenever the two are on screen.
Two things Brian Buckner said that make me REALLY HAPPY. Well, actually he said the same thing twice. I HOPE HE MEANS IT.

Without getting into specifics, Brian Buckner outlines his plan for Season 7: "I think you're going to feel like the show is going back to its roots. We're going to try to condense the number of stories we're telling, make you feel like you're coming home to Bon Temps.

"I feel like this show is ultimately about the relationship between vampires and humans. And it's about that town. I actually want to bring [the show] in a little bit. My hope is to get all these people we love living under the umbrella of one story and one thread, and really make this a show about a small town that we've all come to know and love."

Too many storylines has been one of the biggest TB problems for the last few seasons, IMO.
So there's a funeral in that trailer and Jason is barely seen at all...not looking good for him!

And if they kill Jessica too I'M FUCKING DONE.

i hope tonight's episode is badass and not simply bad.

to be clear, it hasn't been bad per say, it just hasn't been awesome.
I've liked this season much mroe than last season. The Authority was a big bore. At least the anti-vamp villains this season make sense (being humans and all).

So all the "funeral" scenes in the trailer were just Sook and Warlow in Faerie Lawn Cemetary. Maybe they'll have a funeral for Terry next week too, but hopefuly that's it for killing off the main cast.

I can see where this season is headed (who can't), and I'll be happy once it's done. They said that S7 will focus more on Bon Temps like in the beginning, and I can't wait for that. I'm tired of all the BIG GLOBAL POWER BATTLES that always happen to revolve around a bunch of backwoods hick magic folk. Bring the story local again, and deal with the characters and relationships, and let the rest of the world figure out the Big Issues™.