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True Blood season 6

Aww man.. TERRY :( Okay, so I was over his personal story a long time ago, but I always thought he was one of the better people of Bon Temps, at least he had a reason for being all fucked in the head, and he was sweet anyway. I liked all his scenes last night, and Arlene was good too.

Even Billith was good last night. I loved it when he ripped the tyrant's head off. I thought he was just going to drain his ass, but NOPE. Good job BILLITH.

I liked all the vampire stuff this episode. The vamp camp stuff was good, Jason getting hired was good, Eric trying to save whatshername with Willa's help was good, Jessica and cute vamp guy almost being forced to have sex was good. GOOD. Even Sookie and Warlow was good. I wonder if she's really going to be a vampire fairy now.

I can really see that Buckner is trying to reel it all in. He had lots of stories to tie up, and he's doing it.
I'm a little pissed off at Alcide. What the hell cralwed up his ass? YOU CAN HAVE HOT WOLF THREESOMES, YOU'RE GOOD, DUDE

I want to see more of the not rapist hot vampire. I liked how he really got offended when Jessica said "It may feel like I'm a virgin" and he raged. HOPE WE SEE MORE OF HIM

I'm sorry Terry's gone, I really am, but there's nothing else they could do with that storyline.
I think the hot not a rapist vampire's name is James. I hope he's going to be a regular on the show, too. NEVER TOO MANY HOT MEAN, IMO.
as soon as they figured out how to release terry from his pain i knew he was dead. ultra ironic twist plot line for the huh?
What the fuck? Did we really go from "I'LL GET YOU WARLOW FOR KILLING MY PARENTS!!" to "FUCK YOU MUM AND DAD I LOVE MY FAIRY VAMPIRE ~so cute~" in like two episodes? What was the point of spending all last year setting him up as the most evil vampire ever ever out of all evil vampires if you're just doing to drop it as soon as you introduce it?

Alcide's just dumb now.

I'm actually enjoying Bill's stuff just because of how nuts it is, it's actually interesting. At least Terry's dead.
I wonder if the rest of the writers are rebelling against Alan Ball's mad reign over the show now that he's no longer running things. Maybe they were asking that very same question about Warlow all last year too...

He's great at creating shows, but the longer the show lasts with him in control the more it gets written into weird corners (SIX FEET UNDER)
The ending was basically Sookie saying "none of my stories have made sense for years, so now I'm going to do something that makes no fucking sense!"

If Warlow killed Lilith with his magical light, how did the Authority get her blood?

I wonder if we'll be saying "they killed the governor too soon" in a few weeks. Good death scene though.

I liked Terry in the early seasons when he was just a nice crazy guy, before they had the "he's a war criminal who slaughtered civilians, but you should feel sorry for him!" storyline.

Willa is hot!
I've totally lost track of the plot now and I don't really care. Why did Eric drink Warlow? Why does Sookie do anything? Why do we have a subplot about Terry's funeral arrangements?

If this was just a "vampire girls in prison (with Jason for some reason!)" show it would actually be good.
Eric drank Warlow so that he could walk in the sun and save the gang from the detention center before they get all sunny-D in the white room. (Also he was still in a rage that he couldn't save his sister/fuckbuddy.) His plan is to let them drink him so that the sun won't hurt them either.

We saw Terry's funeral arrangements because they're paying all these actors so they might as well use them every week.

Nobody knows why Sookie does what she does anymore. It's like she's on a different show from the rest of the characters. This is why it will be good when they whittle the stories down next season and keep things more in Bon Temps. Sam and Sookie had a scene in the restaurant last night for the first time in ages -- you'd think maybe he would mention the fact that she hasn't picked up an apron in god-knows-how-long. Nope, too many BIG THINGS going on that affect THE WHOLE WORLD.
das racits

I was really hoping she would get away but then we wouldn't have seen Sarah kill her with a high heel shoe.
I must have zoned out this season - but who is the hell is that vamp who has declared Jason her personal blood bank? I cannot place her. However, she needs to die in the sun or die from drinking True Blood. I find her annoying.

I liked the scene where Alcide beats up on the challenging women. Good times. They were all annoying. I'm just sorry he didn't snap their heads off. I guess Alcide was tired o them and the entire pack too. It's lonely at the top.

I still can't get over Sam the Silver Fox falling in love with that young girl after one night in bed. Now she's preggers and he just has to have her. Wht happened to his so-called love for his one and only who died, what? two days ago? Geeze, this show moves the story along either too fast or too slow.

I couldn't stop giggling at Eric's big emo scene with his sister's death. He sounded like a chicken clucking. It was really over the top. Did you notice when Bill kicked him out of his house that he sped off at the speed of light out of the house and followed the path away from the house. . .wouldn't you just leave by the straightest and shortest route and not follow the pathway as it snaked decoratively through the property. How anal. Say, wouldn't moving that fast create friction and shred his clothing?

I really liked Sookie's scene with Bill where she showed her utter contempt and lack of fear of him. I think she may have used some fights at home in real life to give a little extra something to that scene. Her anger/contempt was quite believable.
:joker: It really must add a little tension to their homelife, both knowing that none of their fans want their characters to be together, and that the viewers found them tiresome as a couple.
I just can't believe that that Asian bitch had zero martial arts skillz whatsoever.

Dude, you and me both.

Jesus. Christ. Sam, you're killing me here. What the fuck is the point of him anymore? S1 and S2 Sam were awesome and badass. Now he's a man whore like Jason who falls in love with every gash that shows him the slightest attention.

I kinda felt bad for Sookie when she went to see him. I think she was trying to tell him goodbye, but of course, managed to say the wrong thing and fuck it up.

HE'S MY FRIEND. Steve running like a hamster was funny.

How many more episodes are left? Enough to fix the rest of the season? Probably not.
No there's only like two episodes left because the season was cut short due to Anna Paquin's pregnancy.