Wacky Reviews: Things He's Watched On Netflix

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I should watch it since Will from Will & Grace went through gay conversion therapy to be in it. Someday maybe...


I want to smell dark matter
He's married to Racetrack from BSG in it, fact fans.


I want to smell dark matter
I started watching He-Man (the original animated series.) It doesn't really hold up!


Is this real life?
I don’t think it held up at the time. I can’t say it ever really appealed to me as a child.


I want to smell dark matter
Transformers was always better and stuck in my mind more. I suspect Thundercats was shit. Snarf Snarf Snarf.


I want to smell dark matter
Ducan Jones has a new movie premiering on Netflix next month.

No idea what it's actually about but looks pretty.


Is this real life?
I can’t wait for Mute. I’ve no idea what the plot is either, but I love cyberpunk and I have a couple of friends who worked on the effects.


I want to smell dark matter
And Altered Carbon's on Friday, so it must be CYBERPUNK FEBRUARY.


Is this real life?
Mmm. I’d say I was disappointed except I never expected much to begin with, despite it having a premiere here. An actual premiere.

It certainly looked polished and the acting was fine, but it was the background to the story that bothered me. They just jumped straight into this alternate world without bothering to tell any of the alternate history. The movie essentially made up rules as it went along because they’d never been established at the beginning.


I love you
In looking for Memoirs of a Geisha (Netflix doesn't have it) I found The Silenced. It is a creepy creepy movie.


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter


I love you
I am watching it! S1E1! Is there a Better place? Has that question been asked? Is there a Good Place thread? OMG this is such a wierd show!

And it changed! I thought, "Wow, is this just going to be a show about all the good people?!"
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I love you
Okay, so I just finished season 1 of the Good Place, that is all that Netfilx has. I am going to roll into a tiny ball now and cry myself to sleep. (Not really)


I want to smell dark matter
UK Netflix has both seasons...


Is this real life?
Anyone watching Altered Carbon? I’ve seen the first two. It’s okay. The first episode overwhelmed me with too much world building and jargon. Pretty much every sentence referenced something I didn’t understand. It calmed down a lot in the second episode, which felt more like a procedural detective drama, like Almost Human (RIP).

It certainly looks nice and has had a lot of money spent on it, but so far I find the main character (or the actor, I’m not sure) too unlikeable to really enjoy it.


I want to smell dark matter
I've watched three I think. It's pretty good but yeah, the writing is cliched as fuck. I actually think the main actor is doing a pretty good job, because his character is the typical detective noir asshole but he's kind of funny sometimes at least. The hardass female cop is a total cliche too. I like the Edgar Allan Poe AI. He's fun. And there's been some interesting things done with the "sleeves." Hardly any Dichen Lachman so far, sadly. Looks really pretty in places. But again, it's totally cliched as fuck. Why does every future city end up having giant animated neon billboards? Are they just inevitable in all possible futures? I'll watch more and REPORT BACK.

I also watched...

The Cloverfield Paradox - So the idea of putting a new Cloverfield movie on Netflix out of nowhere could be really cool if the movie was as good as Ten Cloverfield Lane (which was really good.) This is not anywhere near that good. It's not as good as the original Cloverfield either (which I didn't think was all that great!) It's just a really standard space movie with some Cloverfield stuff stuck on it. The first half is fairly entertaining. There's some science fiction bits that are at least fun (the guy with the weird eyes, Chris O'Dowd's hand.) But at one point the Asian girl says "there's no logic to any of this!" and it's one of those lines where you think "yeah, that's the problem." It's all a bit random and poorly explained. I don't know what the people ont he space station were even trying to do. Something about finding a new energy source...by opening a portal to another dimension that sends monsters back in time (but also the the present day and also there's another reality where the tall woman is part of the crew)? It's all kept vague and mystery box-y and it's really tiresome and makes me remember why people hate JJ (I know he didn't write or direct it but it's definitely influenced by his style.) And none of the characters were memorable or likable, despite there being some good actors in the cast. Like there's one point where a charactetr sacrifices himself and it should have been a big deal but instead I just thought "oh, that guy died." Also all the stuff on Earth is completely pointless and was obviously added later when they decided to make it a Cloverfield movie. So yeah, this isn't very good, really, other than a few fun bits that don't add up to much. Maybe the next Cloverfield movie which has already been released on Youtube three years ago and you have to assemble it yourself is better.