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Nothing to do with "woke," everything to do with being a liberal. Leftism inevitable winds up a Game of Thrones, where everyone needs to demonstrate that they're more ideologically pure than "those other people." They always wind up eating their own.
Nothing to do with "woke," everything to do with being a liberal.
"Woke" is just the latest self-label to be appropriated, then bastardized, by the left. They're sure as shit not 'liberal'; they're some of the most illiberal motherfuckers around. They're not 'progressive'; transgenderism is a callback to Weimar Germany, Communism/Socialism (same fucking thing, the latter is just more insidious than the former) harkens back to the early 20th century, and kiddie-fucking is a callback to just before Rome ate shit. They're not awakened ("woke"), either. I fuck around with chatbots that demonstrate a closer proximity to self-awareness.
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The level of delusion in that thread is amazing. We literally have the side trying to legalize pedophilia claiming the other side are pedophiles. In reality, conservatives want as harsh a penalty as possible against child abusers where as Democrats want to normalize the sexual grooming of children. We even have Democrats in Minnesota trying to pass a bill making pedophiles a "protected class".
BTW this is a shot but interesting video where a radical leftist is getting hectored by Antifa loons because he dares to tell the truth about the origins of queer theory and how it deeply revolved around pedophilia and trying to normalize it, legalize it, and promote it. He brings the receipts and the Antifa loons hate it.

So that makes CeeJay a child toucher. I can get down with that.

The thing I fail to understand is why people think that being gay is a "choice" or something you're indoctrinated into.

Just no real justification for that. It's not a lifestyle, it's part of one's particular genetic least to the science I've seen that attempts to address it.

"People who have had same-sex partners are more likely to have one or more of certain DNA markers, according to the largest ever search for genes linked to sexual orientation. Even all the markers taken together, however, cannot predict whether a person is gay, bisexual, or straight. Instead, hundreds or thousands of genes, each with small effects, apparently influence sexual behavior.

The paper, published today in Science, builds on results presented by the same team at a 2018 meeting. The published study emphasizes that the genetic markers cannot be used to predict sexual behavior.

Still, the work is being hailed as the most solid evidence to date linking specific genetic markers to same-sex sexual behavior. "For the first time we can say without a reasonable doubt that some genes do influence the propensity to have same-sex partners," says psychologist Michael Bailey of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, who was not involved in the study. The results come with caveats, however, he and others say."
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So that makes CeeJay a child toucher. I can get down with that.

The thing I fail to understand is why people think that being gay is a "choice" or something you're indoctrinated into.

Just no real justification for that. It's not a lifestyle, it's part of one's particular genetic least to the science I've seen that attempts to address it.

"People who have had same-sex partners are more likely to have one or more of certain DNA markers, according to the largest ever search for genes linked to sexual orientation. Even all the markers taken together, however, cannot predict whether a person is gay, bisexual, or straight. Instead, hundreds or thousands of genes, each with small effects, apparently influence sexual behavior.

The paper, published today in Science, builds on results presented by the same team at a 2018 meeting. The published study emphasizes that the genetic markers cannot be used to predict sexual behavior.

Still, the work is being hailed as the most solid evidence to date linking specific genetic markers to same-sex sexual behavior. "For the first time we can say without a reasonable doubt that some genes do influence the propensity to have same-sex partners," says psychologist Michael Bailey of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, who was not involved in the study. The results come with caveats, however, he and others say."
Last I heard researchers said about half of gay men admit they were molested by an older gay man while underaged. Mind you those are the ones who admitted it so the true number is likely higher for the ones who did not want to admit it for some reason. So, yes, most gay men were turned gay by a gay pedophile. After decades of looking no gay gene or set of genes has been found.
Okey dokie, here's the deal...My WORDFORGE account got approved, but for some reason I can't login to my Email account to click on the link to join...Can someone tell me how to get in without using a Email account? I made the mistake of not joining on the date I registered (3 weeks ago), so as to hide my identity from Bickedan.
Last I heard researchers said about half of gay men admit they were molested by an older gay man while underaged. Mind you those are the ones who admitted it so the true number is likely higher for the ones who did not want to admit it for some reason. So, yes, most gay men were turned gay by a gay pedophile. After decades of looking no gay gene or set of genes has been found.
Most of the research I've seen directly contradicts what you say.
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Same article I was referring to. I guess you ignored all the links the clearinghouse article refers to. You cherry picked the first two paragraphs and ignored the rest of the article including the conclusion. Those stats you mention involved people convicted of pedophilia and were imprisoned. The general stats are quite different, but you have to read the piece as a whole, not cherry pick to suit your narrative.

Women make up a large percentage of molesters of kids, and are generally not included in far rightie narratives.

What is it with far righties and myopia? :shrug:

Anyway being gay is not a learned behavior. Homosexual men generally do not groom kids. People who groom kids have a different motivation and are not homosexual men in the majority. Most pedophiles are NOT homosexual.. Its far righties that insist otherwise. You can repeat it as often as you like, it's still not fact.
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A reader alerted the Editor-in-Chief that there were concerns regarding some of the data reported by Tomeo et al. (2001), namely that data in Table II did not correspond to discussion in the text and that there were minor numerical errors in Table III. In particular, Table II shows that 68% of the homosexual men self-identified as homosexual before molestation as did 62% of the homosexual women, but in the discussion Tomeo et al. (2001) stated that 68% of the homosexual male participants and 38% of the homosexual female participants did not identify as homosexual until after molestation. Readers are urged to take caution when interpreting the content and conclusions of this article. The Editor has been unable to find current email addresses for any of the authors in order to clarify and correct the article.
In the dissertation by Tomeo (2000), from which the article was based, it states that “…68% [of the males] were molested before self-identification as homosexual, and 32% were molested after self-identification as homosexual…” (p. 37). This does not match with the data in Table II, where the opposite was reported: that 68% identified as homosexual before being molested nor does it match what was stated in the discussion.
For women, Tomeo (2000) stated that “Of homosexual women who were molested, 62% were molested before self-identification as…homosexual…” (p. 36). This does not match the data in Table II, which reports the opposite: that 62% identified as homosexual before molestation.
In Table III, in the column, “Molested by men,” the 6.7% value should be 5.8% (12/205). The 45.5% value should be 45.1% (56/124). The 24.3% value should be 24.1% (111/460); the 29.3% value should be 28.7% (44/153). In the column, “Molested by women,” the 16.4% value should be 16.1% (20/124).


  • Tomeo, M. E. (2000). Sexual orientation development. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, California School of Professional Psychology, Fresno Campus, Fresno, CA.
  • Tomeo, M. E., Templer, D. I., Anderson, S., & Kotler, D. (2001). Comparative data of childhood and adolescence molestation in heterosexual and homosexual persons. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 30, 535–541.
Last I heard researchers said about half of gay men admit they were molested by an older gay man while underaged. Mind you those are the ones who admitted it so the true number is likely higher for the ones who did not want to admit it for some reason. So, yes, most gay men were turned gay by a gay pedophile. After decades of looking no gay gene or set of genes has been found.
Let's not forget that genetic expression is... nuanced; not every physical attribute is either set at zero or cranked to ten. If we think of homosexuality as a "breeding diversion" mechanism which limits procreation in order to prevent humans from overpopulating a limited area, then look at the fact that we've overpopulated pretty much every single fucking area we inhabit, it's no wonder that the dial has been turned way up. Not to the point where "everybody is gay", as LGBTWTF chauvinists like to claim, but it's always higher in highly... 'cosmopolitan' conditions, as historically seen in late-stage empires like classical Rome and Greece, Persia, and now in the 21st century western world.

Think of it as a mechanism similar to the genetic distortions which result from... inbreeding. It's nature saying, "NOPE! Too much genetic fuckery afoot here -- so here's a little more! Congratulations, you're not reproducing!"

To address Jack's point, though: Being gay may not be a choice, but turning it into an obnoxious-ass lifestyle sure as hell is. I'm visually impaired, as are tens of millions of other Americans. That's not a choice. But setting up parades and screaming at everybody under the sun until we're absurdly over-represented in pop culture, and stumbling around in classrooms reading braille books to kids while we're bumping into shit, that would be a choice.
I totally agree with TQ. Especially about the "celebrating". When straight couples get married they celebrate that event, not their heterosexuality. Marriage is a sacred institution. I don't recall many "straight" parades, where we celebrate our heterosexuality. There's really no need. However, gay culture has only recently become "normally" accepted. I don't celebrate my heterosexuality. Who I have an intimate relationship is my business alone. Part of repression is what happens when that repression is lessened or lifted. Gay people might discover no one cares who they fuck either, as long as they're not trying to shove it down others throats, which some of the more obnoxious "activists" seem inclined to do.
I don't recall many "straight" parades, where we celebrate our heterosexuality.
You also don't see a lot of straight people encouraging kids to perform or watch what amounts to burlesque... I don't think anybody gives a shit what consenting adults do, at this point, but when an influential gamer says, "Leave little kids alone" and gets penalized by a game company for that, it's no longer about "what consenting adults do", is it.

It used to be, "What consenting adults do behind closed doors is nobody else's business!" Fine. Great. So keep it between consenting adults and keep it behind closed doors, and it won't be anybody else's business. How fucking challenging is that?