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Balls Mahoney died. The sad thing is the first thing I thought was "didn't he already die?" then I remembered it was his former tag partner Axl Rotten who died a few weeks ago, also aged 44. EC fucking Dub...
What does "Talent Wellness" cover? It can't be steroids, I mean they don't care about such things do they?

Is he a crackhead, or is this a front for "you don't sell tickets anymore, step aside"?

And why am I even curious about this lol?
Meltzer says they knew before the ppv. Which explains why he lost to Rollins clean.

And Eggs, they do test for steroids and other stuff (weed gets a fine rather than a suspension.)
Great two out of three falls match between America Alpha and The Revival on NXT this week. Bayley and Alexa Bliss was very good too. Bliss has really improved (and happens to be very attractive!)

Breezango beat The Usos - Good to see Breezango win a match! Fans seemed happy too despite the Usos supposedly being beloved babyfaces.

Sasha and Bayley beat Charlotte and Dana - It's lucky they used Bayley because the fans would have rioted otherwise. Of course halfway through the match JBL said "this is just a one shot deal, she's back to NXT tomorrow!" which kind of deflated the joy! Decent match.

The Wyatts beat New Day - This was a thing. Started out boring but they hit some big moves by the end. Not sure where they're going with this story of Xavier being scared of Bay.

Rusev beat Zack Ryder - Short match but it got good by the end with Ryder actually being a convincing threat. I love Rusev and all his mannerisms.

Sami Zayn beat Kevin Owens - Great match! Definitely felt like a feud-ender but they're still on the same brand so who knows. Zayn seemed to hurt himself for real but then they worked it into the match perfectly. Best thing on the show.

Natayla beat Becky Lynch - Solid match, but they couldn't follow Zayn/Owens.

The Miz and Darren Young went to a no contest - Was an okay match but the finish made no sense. Miz pushes Bob Backlund and the bell just rings? And why did Young do a Cobra Clutch instead of the Chickenwing? WEIRD.

Cena, Enzo and Cass beat The Family - Enzo's amazing on the mic. Good match on the whole but felt a bit sloppy and contrived at times. OF COURSE Cena has to pin AJ clean to win because...wait, no, there's no reason. Stupid finish.

Jericho interviewed Orton - Orton came out with some funny lines and Jericho's character is funny. Went on too long of course.

Ambrose beat Reigns and Rollins - Reigns got fat! That's my big takeaway here! Guess he needs his controlled substances to stay cut. He deserved to lose clean for fucking up. No idea how they rebuild him now. Maybe a heel turn? But that would make too much sense. Good match.

So for a throwaway ppv this was pretty good Id recommend it.
How about that Cruiserweight Classic, eh? That's been pretty great! Jack Gallagher was amazing on this week's show. Great match between Gargano and Ciampa too. In previous weeks it was great to see Tajiri and Brian Kendrick back as well. I sure would like to talk to someone who watched it!
I just wish they hadn't split the shows again. The roster was no where near deep enough (or popular enough) for that.
I like how Dolph Ziggler hasn't won a match in two years and suddenly he's getting the title shot at Summerslam.
Dolph is good, but he has never really stood out to me. Not in the way a champion should. He reminds me of a poor man's Shawn Michaels. I have a feeling though if they would just let him cut loose, unscripted, maybe things would be different. And WTF is with everybody using the Damn superkick???
They should limit the superkick to one guy on each show. Kevin Owens should get to use it cause he's fat. That impresses me somewhat. On another topic, How long until a wwe guy runs into Connor McGregor and gets in his face? Never?
He's the crazy UFC guy who keeps dissing wrestlers? I'm not really following the story (even though I just summed it up.)
Yeah, he tends to run his mouth alot. He's a featherweight. Tougher than your average man, certainly. But after half the shit those wwe guys endure I wonder how he would fare in a shoot with them. Especially the veterans.
Amazing match between Kota Ibushi and Cedric Alexander on the Cruiserweight Classic this week. Tajiri vs Gran Metalik was great too.