The Watcher

cereal addict
*yawn* what day is it?


Be patient till the last.
Sunday, April 6 -
snow is actually melting and i saw a robin yesterday! but when I went for a walkabout in the garden, found the nice jardinieres that were buried in the sudden snow sorm in Nov before I could put them away. make that three less was a pressie from my Dublin friends. :(


Touching the monolith
Staff member
April 6: I fell in a spectacularly funny manner this morning. I was carrying two 1/2 gallon bottles of milk out to feed the baby cows and my right foot slipped out from under me, my left foot stayed put so I did a slow motion slide forward scraping my left leg from my knee to my foot on the rough stuff we have on the ramp TO KEEP YOU FROM SLIPPING, lol. I landed hard on my butt since I had my hands full. I almost started bawling like a baby, cause I hadn't even had my coffee yet. I wasn't injured much, my butt cheek and my shin got the worst.


Be patient till the last.
^I hate it when shit happens before I've had my coffee too. I mean, enough's enough!

Dr Dave

April 6th

Watched Nascar, went over to a freinds house and hung out. Watched Star Wars Episode 5.

I'm now watching Myth Busters.


Boobie inspector
7/4/08 at work, it keeps snowing, but its more like sleet, I have a parcel to post at dinner time for ebay, but the prices just went up for stamps, cutting into my profit margin


Touching the monolith
Staff member
April 7: Hazy


Be patient till the last.
bah - it's actually gorgeous out, & there's tons of work waiting.

second coffee first.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
April 8: It's 1:12pm and I still have the coffee jitters. I CAN TYPEBADLY REALLY FAST!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
It's much better today, thank you for asking. I put some heat on it last night and I think that helped.


Boobie inspector
10/4/2008 hardly had any sleep, got a bad cold coming on, coughing my guts out, and I'm alone at work

Still, mustent grumble


Touching the monolith
Staff member
April 10: Head hurts.