Troll Kingdom

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4/28 - At work, where things have calmed down for the evening. Haven't used this thread for weeks, as work has been anything but calm lately.

Might go drinking later. Might not.
4/28/08-work, post, paid the bills. some are gonna be late. need to find a beeter paying job and a less boring RL.
April 29: Just spent three hours mowing my lawn at supersonic speeds.. lol I love the new tractor it goes FAST. I feel like jello all over!

Beggining to realise that the increased price rise in jet fuel might be pushing a foreign holiday out of my reach.
May1st - despite my better judgement, succumbed to pleas from desperate (and tricksy )supervisor at the Crazy School to go in and do supply work. Only one fight outside the science lab resulting in door having blood dripping down it, and Psycho Boy skipped first class so a good day all in all. Class with the adults tonight did not require phone calls to the police.
5/1/08-feeling congested and tired, so I skipped work today. Sat around and watched TV, felt better ordered some Chinese food, watched Smallville, Office and 30 Rock, posted online.
May 3: Did some yard work this morning, and now my allergies are going bananas! ALSO a wasp bit me on the lip, the bastard!
rained all night so had to find a grocery bag for my sodden bicycle seat. then couldnt find the combo lock for the chain cos i cleverly held it in my hand instaed of putting it back on the another chain for the bike..finally get to the Y, its packed, but my machine was free home, watched football, posted, hung out with the family, beat the 'puter at Scrabble.... and eyed the dirty dishes. Pouring rain out so made comfort food for dinner: mashed potatoes, dilled salmon, salad and home made brownies.
Waiting for The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe to start (never saw it yet).
5/3/08-posted online, went to the mall-was gonna see Iron Man but was informed one of my non-rocktar brothers wants to see it with me and rocktar when we go down to my parents house and get my futon, and now I'm posting some more.
May 4/08:
rain finally stopped, went to friends for potluck brunch and hike around their property to check out the wildflowers. Friends showed me a flower I couldnt indentify. Exciting!
MAY 6 - lovely. found out I completely forgot about a friend's wedding shower Saturday afternoon. she called today, wondering wtf happened. I said I'd be over tonight and then got held up at work and now it's too late. *starts building doghouse*
AND goddammit, it's too late to go out the music jam tonight. :(
my eyes are burning from fatigue. is it Friday yet?
5/6/08-work and post. My eyes are fatigued as well. Keep almost falling asleep at work because its so boring and becaus e I stay up late catching up on a day's worth of posts after rocktar gets done using the computer.
5/8/08-skipping work to go on a road trip with rocktar. He's going up to Cobleskill to give a 10 minute presentation as part of his culinary management internship.