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Community (season 1-2)

I was hoping they were going to do something similar like they did with the Claymation Christmas episode. But yeah it was an enjoyable episode anyway.

Lots of funny lines I can't remember to quote now (I liked Leonard's "where the white women at?" and the "streets ahead" callback.) The Britta story was quite funny and I think Annie might be AT LEAST bisexual. Did Shirley get a line the whole episode? Ah, who cares. Chang was pretty funny living with Jeff and stuff. Not sure about Troy not going out with that girl just because she DIDN'T want to go out with Abed. I mean she didn't say anything nasty about Abed even. Maybe Troy's just scared of the pussy now.

Pierce being addicted to pain killers is a good CONTINUITY STORYLINE and explains him being so evil latey. Hope he's not dead!
Not sure about Troy not going out with that girl just because she DIDN'T want to go out with Abed. I mean she didn't say anything nasty about Abed even.

Maybe not nasty, but certainly mean. She said Abed was weird for talking about the Saw movies for 2 hours.
I'm ambivalent. Well, not really, because I thought the ep was kind of weak anyway. But I'm torn about Chevy Chase lampooning his own drug addicted past.

It's an area ripe for comedy to be sure. But the way it's being done is kind of creepy. Bringing Andy Dick into the picture was kind of a middle finger to the world and to Chevy's peers, seeing as the conventional wisdom is that Dick was supplying Phil Hartman's wife before she took Phil and herself off the planet.

It's a weird coincidence that Jon Lovitz decided to visit SNL for the first time in years last Saturday, when Dana Carvey hosted. Lovitz had a frosty relationship with Lorne Michaels since he was made fun of in a skit in the mid-late 90s, and Lovitz is also the guy who punched Andy Dick's lights out in a restaurant for being a druggy asshole who probably indirectly helped kill one of his best friends.

But what do I know, since I consider this show to be very uneven, mostly because its premise is paper thin, therefore they can rationalize doing wildly different kinds of episodes from week to week. I WANT TO LOVE THIS SHOW but it doesn't hit enough home runs for me. It's still way better than lots of other crap shows, though...

Well if Chevy doesn't have a problem with the story I think it's fine, but I don't know anything about his past and I didn't recognise Andy Dick (I guess he was the guy in the visions?) I can't imagine they'd be purposely trying to reference Phil Hartman's death or anything.

That moonwalk was streets ahead.

Maybe not nasty, but certainly mean. She said Abed was weird for talking about the Saw movies for 2 hours.

Yes, that's because it is weird to talk about the Saw movies for two hours. Abed said himself that he's weird as soon as Troy told him.
I was distracted through the whole episode so I couldn't really sit and watch it with all my attention.
I recognised Andy Dick but didn't even know Chevy Chase had been an addict, so any reflection of real life events went over my head.

Community is definitely uneven, you only have to look at our comments over the weeks to see that, but I did like this week's ep. It didn't really have a central theme, not even Valentine's Day, but the individual stories were funny and didn't rehash anything they'd done before (except maybe the analysis of why Jeff hangs out with the group).

The best bit was Annie's LOOKS.
I was dreaming of squares and getting my grandma all the things she always wants when I'm watching something but never wants when I don't have anything to do. :rwmad: ALSO, I beat my high score earlier today.
TAKE A LOOK, IT'S IN A BOOK, THE READING RAINBOW. Good use of Levar Burton, imo.

Once AGAIN, I was distracted though the episode, but not as bad as last week. I wish Community came on after 9pm, I'M NOT FINISHED DOING THINGS AT 8PM :rwmad:

I enjoyed the documentary style of the episode. Joel McHale is so cute, I would totally DO HIM.
Mixed bag again imo. I thought they could've made better use of the documentary style and also made parts of that more realistic (maybe I'm just being pedantic, but a lot of the shots would have obviously had to have been done in multiple takes from different angles, or there would've been shots with the other cameras in them - I know that's not a big thing, but it took me out of the illusion). I did like things such as Annie coming out of the loo and Shirley being cut off mid-sentence.

Have they mentioned Jeff's estranged dad before?

Loved Troy's outburst "you can't disappoint a photo!!". So true! :D We'd all make fools of ourselves if Geordi LaForge turned up. He has good singing voice too. Is there anything Dong Lover can't do?

Pierce has come down from the pills and is still a dick, so bang goes the "it's ok that he's acting out of character, he's doped up!" idea.
Yeah I was surprised the Pierce thing didn't go the way we predicted, BUT THEN it's also a good thing that we couldn't totally predict it. The part where he was pretending to be Jeff's dad on the phone was pretty funny.

Troy is good at making comedy faces and the Egyptian dance he did when Abed was telling them to act natural.

I like the bit where Britta and Jeff were being each other's dads and Britta's compli-sult and explaini-brag words (I don't think they were the actual words.)

Annie really is his favourite, aww.
I liked Abed's side story.. BUT once again the universe conspired against me, and I missed the first five minutes of the show. I was watching it but my grandma was on the phone with her sister and kept getting louder and louder and THEN dean Pelton came on in his sister's liberty costume (or whatever he called it) and my grandma said ARE YOU WATCHING LOGO? (the gay channel) and I was NO GRANDMA IT'S NBC, and she was all WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING, and THEN I PUNCHED HER.