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Doctor Who Series 7: There Will Be Daleks

Well there's still stuff on Trenzalore that hasn't happened yet - the big battle and presumably "The Fall of The Eleventh", which is where all that stuff would probably happen. We only saw it in this episode in the aftermath of all that.
JOHN. MOTHERFRAKING. HURT. Presumably as Nine and the man who pushed the big red button ending Gallifrey which mean Eight regenerated on the battlefield during the time war, and Ten is really Eleven and Eleven is Twelve which means MATT SMITH WILL PLAY THE VALEYARD AT SOME POINT.

This was worth 4 fairly rubbish episodes.
Loved it! The opening montage was fantastic. Obviously the quality of the footage posed its problems, but they dealt with it well and anyway, ropey old footage places it nicely in a historical landscape.

Clara's true nature seemed to make perfect sense and was well explained.

The ending was amazing. I'd completely forgotten John Hurt was involved in Who, so that came as a total surprise. When I heard his voice I couldn't place it for a sec and actually wondered if it was Sean Pertwee, which would've made its own bit of sense.
So, does anyone have any guesses where he comes from? I mean, I got the impression he was post-11, simply because I assume he's the last doctor, who turned from healer to warrior in the battle at Trenzalore?
Well since the 11th Doctor recognizes him, I would say he'd have to be pre-11th.

The basic idea going around is that, as Yub said, he's the actual 9th Doctor between Paul McGann and Christopher Eccleston.
Oh, ok. Yeah, I had wondered how he could be a future Doctor if Matt Smith recognised him, but I thought it was due to 11 entering his own time...thing and being aware of future events. So this'll be annoying for wikipedia editors.
I was really good! I'm glad Clara isn't dead, and I'm glad they didn't leave that as a cliffhanger. If it was an American show they probably would have.
99% of American shows are rubbish and the remaining shows are tainted accordingly.

I presumed Hurt was Nine because of what he said and 11/12's response. Thus the title of the episode makes sense. The Doctor's name is the Doctor, he chose it for what it means. Hence him getting getting rather upset on the Starship UK about lobotomising the star whale and why at Demon's Run it was a bad thing for Doctor to mean Warrior.

It was a terrible thing for a Doctor to euthanize his planet, even if it was to end a war which would engulf everything. So terrible the Doctor has packed up all those memories and put them elsewhere in his brain, the CyberPlanner in Nightmare In Silver didn't see Nine in the regeneration memories. Thinking thereof CLARA KNOW THIS. She read it in the History of the Time War and has just remembered it. Just realized THAT OMG.

The only real question is how did some loony criminal in Victorian England know about Trenzalore?
OH here's a thing: why did Clara end up saving the Doctor in the Dalek Asylum? The Great Intelligence wasn't involved in that.
There are people upset about Clara telling one which Tardis to take, seeing as it clashes with what the Tardis told us all in The Doctor's Wife.

OH here's a thing: why did Clara end up saving the Doctor in the Dalek Asylum? The Great Intelligence wasn't involved in that.

The GI went and killed the Doctor everywhere he'd won. Clara said she warned him again and again and he only listened a few times.

Seems to me she was overt in some cases and subvert in many. And there was no real order to it either, she was ripped up and scattered. Probably a few loose Clara clones dotted about here and there.
Well if the great intelligence messed up the Tardis choice One should have made, then all Clara did was go back and fix it, right?
This is probably going to be a profoundly stupid question but I have to ask it.


Wait...wait....As I type this I think I don't need to ask it. It had something to do with Donna and Clara.


I loved this episode (even with Big Hair) and we need more Jenny.
On the weekend I got chatting with someone who works on the show. They were saying they constantly get warned not to reveal anything (which is very patronising since the only time anything gets leaked it's by the publicity department).

Anyway, so apparently everyone knew the Gaiman episode was a turkey during production and kept trying to change things, but this just compiled the problem. I'm not clear whether it was Gaiman himself or the director, but one of them was very heavy handed and annoyed a lot of people. And there were some scenes filmed in Cardiff city centre that got cut out due to leaks?
From what Neil Gaiman has said on Tumblr, it was all sort of a mess.

Originally it was supposed to be Victorian Clara as the actual companion, so her kids would've been the ones in the episode. That got changed later so the kids changed too.

Apparently the kids actually had more stuff to do, and actual characters and all, but again it got cut for time.

I mean it's hard to say how much better the episode would've been in it's original form - The Doctor's Wife went through about three majorly different versions, and even then it had a whole bunch of stuff cut from it because of time and budget. I think it's just a side effect of working within the 45 minute episode, some writers are better at it (or just more experienced at it) than others.
Ah, maybe that explains why this person expressed surprise that the final episode took place on some random planet, when they thought it was set on Earth.

Maybe one of these days they'll at least try doing a two-parter.
Well everyone bitched at Steven Moffat about series 6 being too full of the arching plots, so he said he'd just do individual stories in series 7, which everyone then bitched at him about.
I still wish they'd kept Victorian Clara. I still don't get why they made Clara so bland (there was those theories about her being created as the perfect companion but the finale showed that wasn't true.)
at Demon's Run it was a bad thing for Doctor to mean Warrior.

But, he IS a warrior. Even before the NuWho, the Time Lords hired him as a mercenary/assassin of sorts to eliminate the Daleks ("Genesis of the Daleks"). It was his first confrontation with Davros. In "The Missing Planet" again he showed that he was a warrior by completely annihilating a Dalek empire. He showed up again in "The Victory of the Daleks" to aid the British war machine to fight the Daleks. These are just examples of him fighting Daleks. He's gone up against the Sontaran Empire, Silurans, Cybermen, and half a dozen other major races. There's a reason why in "The Asylum of the Dalkes" he has the title "The Predator". He's come to many planets in times of despair and fought for the side of good. Despite him wanting to be a healer, he's had to do A LOT of fighting.

It was a terrible thing for a Doctor to euthanize his planet

He didn't euthanize them. He locked them up. Technically, he did to the Daleks and the Time Lords kinda what happened to the Ennis and the Nol-Ennis on DS9's "Battle Lines".
Well that's the end of that chapter.
