Yeah, I found it quite underwhelming.
The boy was fine, but the girl was terrible. "Let me go, I hate you!" when a Cyberman grabs her?
The Cybermen were good and did some cool stuff. The Evil Doctor was fun (liked when he was doing the "I think I love you" misdirect with Clara) but a bit "mwahaha, I'm evil!" where Cybermen are supposed to be more cold and calculating? Although I guess it was a Doctor/Cyberman hybrid so it had his emotions too.
Also hate to say it but Clara felt off. Kind of annoyingly flippant at times. Still cute, obviously!
Don't really like "who are you mad, impossible, crazy Amy Pond/Clara" bits they stick in every week either.
Could Warwick have had them transported out of there at any time but he chose not to because he didn't want to go home? That kind of makes him a dick, right? I mean, quite a few people died. But then we're supposed to like him at the end again.