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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I missed it this week -- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was on opposite. (AND I MISSED HALF OF THAT BECAUSE WORK GOT BUSY AS SOON AS IT STARTED AMIRITE CHATTERS YOU WERE THERE)
I think it's doing really good in the ratings. TV by the numbers says 9.69 million viewers for the last ep.
The ratings are bad enough that the TV by the numbers people think S.H.I.E.L.D. is "on the bubble" for cancellation, though probably they'll be looking for reasons not to cancel it if only to save face.
The writers on that site are numbers junkies -- they don't care about the shows as much as they like to snark and play statistical probability games. And the commenters are what you would expect of commenters. I only use the site for the actual ratings, I stopped reading their Rain-Mannish opinions a while back.
Yes, the site with the column dedicated to stats and probability games is mostly interested in stats and probability games?
Oh go poop in your big hat. It's a TV site -- you'd think they might spare a column inch to discussing the shows themselves. Fantasy sports are stupid enough -- now it's fantasy Nielsens?
there's hundreds of websites about the shows themselves. They're a website about ratings, so they talk about ratings.

I don't expect Nate Silver to do a line-by-line analysis of the federal budget - I expect him to talk about polling.
I liked the Fitzsimmons stuff, but it was weird to try to explore May's character by just having everyone else talk about her. That really only tells you so much.
Coulson should finger Simmons inside Lola and Fitz is jealous so he drops the car into the sky but it can fly remember!
This episode was good...on the SHIELD scale. It was still an episode of SHIELD and stuff like May acting nasty to Skye and the May/Ward stuff (remember at the start we thought May was one of the better characters?) was a bit cringey...and who calls their son "Ace" anyway?

I don't understand why they're making May so mean, and she and Ward don't have any chemistry anyway, and ALSO it's a waste of time if we can't even see them having sex :rwmad:

I hope they don't drag out Skye's parents story too long. It's obvious they're not going to keep that a secret forever. What could possibly be so terrible about it that she can't know, anywya?
Okay, so the big secret about Coulson is that he was dead for several days and they replaced his memory of being dead with memories of THE MAGICAL PLACE? Some PEOPLE are saying that there is probably more to the big secret and they just haven't told us yet, but really what could be so freaking terrible about the secret that Coulson must NEVER KNOW? The only thing left for them to tell us is whatever it is that's so special about Coulson that they would go to all this trouble to keep him alive... and it will probably be something that turns out to be not that special after all. Maybe he gives Nick Fury the horn!

Skye's subplot was dumb as ever. There was absolutely no reason why she couldn't have done what she did from the plane, besides having that stupid bracelet on, which they should have removed and allowed her to do what she does. It was all just to get her off the plane so she could have an adventure and redeem herself. The only things I really liked about it was that she impersonated May, and at the end we find out May doesn't hate her guts. It would have made so much more sense for May to say NO TAKE THE BRACELET OFF HER AND LET HER WORK WE NEED HER, instead of kicking her out and making her waste all that time stealing a car and forcing a sleazy banker to hack a computer.

Next week - the secret about Skye's parents, NOT SO TERRIBLE AFTER ALL?