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OMFG CAPRICA IS COMING BACK OCTOBER 5TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111eleven

Well, it was bound to happen. They had to make room for more copycat "reality" shows and shows with minor celebrities making jackasses of themselves in front of a camera. We can't have any of this "imaginative, well written Sci-Fi" crap.
It was a good episode, anyway. Advanced the plot a tiny bit more than usual and actually gave the police dude a proper story (oh, but why didn't we hear more about his family background?!!?! :().

It was obvious that the wife was going to get killed instead of Amanda, so they needn't have bothered with the subterfuge of having them both walking in parks. The squinty bad apple cop should really guess that the real mole is Amanda, though, shouldn't he?

The Lacey stuff was good, since she actually stood up for herself for once. But considering the dude had been shipped there by his parents, you'd think he'd be the first to have stood up and denied his belief in the one true God.

Pity the download was such low quality, as those new ships were nice looking.
Wow, the STO are dicks. They executed Rupert Grint.

I guess Daniel will agree to let Sam send cylons to Tauron in exchange for not killing him?

I liked the mention of Lebran porn ring.

Lacy looked a bit too happy at the terrorist party at the end (well, before the executions.)
That was a really good episode. Which is annoying since there's only three left now.

The flashbacks were really effective and a worthwhile look at how Joseph and Sam ended up the way they are.

I liked Clairce's husbands visiting New Cap City and acting like LADS and the worried look they gave when Clarice said she wanted a statue of herself. You know someone has truly gone insane when they ask for a statue.

Bald Cop is a LOOSE CANNON now!

Zoe and Tamara going all Dark City and rearranging New Cap City looked pretty cool. And Daniel and Amanda reunited and going into NCC to look for Zoe? SHIT'S GOT REAL.

Everyone send apples to SyFy AND THEY'LL CHANGE THEIR MINDS.
Yeah it was a good episode with good character stuff and the Zoe and Tamara stuff looks like it will get even better BUT THERE'S NO FUCKING POINT AS IT'S FUCKING CANCELLED FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.
I liked it as it centered on all my favourite bits of the story. It even had the return of Willy.

The shot of Tamara and Zoe rearranging New Cap City was awesome. I wonder if all the people there got killed? I guess Amanda and Daniel will be trekking through Vancouver forest next week...

I found the flashbacks really interesting, though a little more background on the conflict might've been good. I thought all Taurons were "dirt eaters", but the ones in uniform were Tauron too, right? So dirt eaters are just the ethnicity or clan that the Adamas belong to, within Tauron society?

Why did SPACE have an advert break to minutes before the episode ended? Weird.