Some opinons Pickle has you might be interested in.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
You've got to admit, certain parties danced and danced hard for Falconarg.

Which parties would those be? Those that made hilarious chops at his expense, or those that laughed at his pathetic ass on a daily basis?

TBH: I actually miss the little cunt. Dumb as he was, he's probably a damn sight smarter that hummus and aqua combined :D

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
[quote-Gagh]You've turned into Jack. Everyone hates you, and whenever they post, you accuse them of dancing. Verrrry similar.[/quote]And the point is what? to get them to like me? I've been pissing people off LONG before I met Jack.

Here's another similarity tho: multiple consecutive responses in the same thread ;)

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Cow said:
Now I thought some of the members were rather happy to feed off playing the victim in my little games with the cupcakeer Minefielders.

It was funny as fuck. Still made you look like a chump, tho ;)

Trying to relive the past glory of Efcl.

Yeah, because according to Eggs, THAT went over well :rolleyes:

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Captain Clueless said:
Crap posters like you are far to concerned with their image.


The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
If you're going to keep missing the point (and the mark) like this; you might as well fuck off back to obscurity ;)

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Yup. So glad everyone came back to renew all these pissing contests.

I think I prefer TK boring.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Not quite a 'bunker' if the 80% of the TK staff comes from there, is it?

Just trying to live up to our reputation as elitist.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
What other reason could there be for your occasional little hissy fits and whining?

It's called stirring shit up, retard.

The fact that people consistently fall for it DESPITE me being honest about it is a testament to the gullibility of so-called "trolls".

making an ass out of yourself is a surefire way to encourage others to make even bigger asses out of themselves ;)

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
It's a White Castle. I'm Harold.



Grand Wizard of TK
It's called stirring shit up, retard.

The fact that people consistently fall for it DESPITE me being honest about it is a testament to the gullibility of so-called "trolls".

making an ass out of yourself is a surefire way to encourage others to make even bigger asses out of themselves ;)
You cried, and cried, and cried, and cried about the changes to the Badlands.

You had far to much personally invested for you to be just shit stirring.


Sinless and Purrfect
It's called stirring shit up, retard.

The fact that people consistently fall for it DESPITE me being honest about it is a testament to the gullibility of so-called "trolls".

making an ass out of yourself is a surefire way to encourage others to make even bigger asses out of themselves ;)

It works like magic. The more someone bitches about the same thing, the more others think the whiner really cares. Even after turn coating or suddenly losing interest over and over, the trick always works. Even when giving heads up that it's all fake drama, most of the posters around here eat it up every time anyway. Fucking priceless.


Pinata Whacker
It works like magic. The more someone bitches about the same thing, the more others think the whiner really cares. Even after turn coating or suddenly losing interest over and over, the trick always works. Even when giving heads up that it's all fake drama, most of the posters around here eat it up every time anyway. Fucking priceless.

Dammit! Stop giving away all my secrets!