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Where is the Random Thread of Randomness stuff that doesn't belong in other threads thread?

A lot of "Star Wars" is garbage, and I didn't like it as a kid, but "Empire Strikes Back" is so amazing. The best part is the tree of evil on Dagobah; how you only find in it what you've brought with you. That's very important. So often people get into arguments or hate people or whatever because they were coming into the situation expecting to hate or argue.
Realize that a shit-ton of Gondor troops, their only job is to sit on a desolate cliff, looking SE with a lighted torch, 24/7 for hundreds of years. And a shit-ton more troops are getting food and water to these desolate clifftops. Just sayin'. You think your job is mindless and tedious.
In Addams Family Values, when Pudsey and Wednesday are going to behead the baby, what would have happened if they had succeeded? Would their parents have been like "haha, the baby deserved to die!"
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Went to get my flu and COVID jabs this morning, got there too early so walked to see the block of flats where I grew up, it's empty now and fenced off, plants all overgrown, windows smashed, soon to be pulled down.

Hurts the soul to see it in such a state.
Rereading "The Killer Angels," the novel about the Battle of Gettysburg, at lunch. Read it once, a quarter of a century ago. Enjoyed it and would've read it again but there were higher priorities so I never got around to it. Didn't feel like diving into "Dune" or "The Lord of the Rings," or even the complete Sherlock Holmes so I decided to give it a shot.

I have a better understanding of why it is a novel and not nonfiction now. While the facts happen the way they happened, we get a lot of the thoughts and motivations of the leaders. Lee is troubled by heart problems, people have worries and uncertainties. This is all supposition by the author. But it really makes an engaging story. It nicely captures The Fog of War as the initial contact is happening. And there's stuff that you probably wouldn't expect--or maybe buy--if it was complete fiction. General Reynolds is kind of the golden boy of the union and he gets about 3 lines of dialog and 5 minutes of exposure before he is killed. But that's what happened. Scatman Crothers in "The Shining." He rides to the rescue of the blocking cavalry unit, and goes "I'm here!--URK!"
My 2 favorite times of the year are at the end of spring and right now, when it's warm enough to not need the furnace but cool enough to not need the AC. (Actually, I should turn the furnace on tonight, but it's supposed to warm up by Thursday so I'm trying to hold out.)