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Why are we going after Iran, again?

Messenger said:
That just PROVES billions of men, women, and children are ready to kill or convert us!

And blow up the world!

No, what "proves" it is the 6,666 verses of the Koran, the Hadiths and Sunnahs, the Commentaries and Jurisprudence of muslims and 1,400 years of Islamic history.

Read the Koran and Hadiths, Messy. It's not that hard a read and makes a useful and appropriate time-passer whilst crapping on the toilet ... AND, you can use Koran pages as toilet paper after you get done reading a page. just make sure you get on of those Korans printed on that fine acid-free onionskin paper.
Messenger said:
And provide no evidence for this other than medieval examples. Perhaps they should fear Europe retaking the holy lands, eh?

One need look no further than what the mussies say and HISTORY. You cant disregard history just because it does not suit you in this argument. I like how you want to discount what is evidence by saying it was too long ago. If history is was so un-important then we would not bother to teach it in school!

You can also look up all the engagements the military has had with the mussies prior to the creation of the State of Israel.

Are you saying we cant be friends with anyone the mussies hate because it then gives them the right to knock our buildings over? I think your philosophy is Bullshit!!! Then lets tell the whole world to fuck off because someone does hate someone else and in the interests of avoiding any wars lets not be friends with anyone!

The mussies will turn their attention else where when are done with Israel. And you can bet that they will use our Friendship with THAT country as an excuse to knock a building over and little bitches like you will bitch again!
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
No, what "proves" it is the 6,666 verses of the Koran, the Hadiths and Sunnahs, the Commentaries and Jurisprudence of muslims and 1,400 years of Islamic history.

Read the Koran and Hadiths, Messy. It's not that hard a read and makes a useful and appropriate time-passer whilst crapping on the toilet ... AND, you can use Koran pages as toilet paper after you get done reading a page. just make sure you get on of those Korans printed on that fine acid-free onionskin paper.

I always keep spare toilet paper just in case I run out of Koran!
Astral said:
One need look no further than what the mussies say and HISTORY. You cant disregard history just because it does not suit you in this argument.
No, I disregard it because it's probably the most irrelevant thing you can come up with.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
No, what "proves" it is the 6,666 verses of the Koran, the Hadiths and Sunnahs, the Commentaries and Jurisprudence of muslims and 1,400 years of Islamic history.

Read the Koran and Hadiths, Messy. It's not that hard a read and makes a useful and appropriate time-passer whilst crapping on the toilet ... AND, you can use Koran pages as toilet paper after you get done reading a page. just make sure you get on of those Korans printed on that fine acid-free onionskin paper.
Not that I disagree, but the Koran still doesn't influence international dealings and laws on any noticeable scale.

Why don't you try reading the Talmud? It might surprised you to learn you are goy cattle.
Astral said:
You can also look up all the engagements the military has had with the mussies prior to the creation of the State of Israel.

Good, name some.

Are you saying we cant be friends with anyone the mussies hate because it then gives them the right to knock our buildings over?

No, it doesn't give them a right. It does give them an excuse. And there's a difference between being allies with a country the muslims hate, and fighting that country's battles for it.

I think your philosophy is Bullshit!!!

I think your brain is pudding. Let's watch as you go on proving me right.

Then lets tell the whole world to fuck off because someone does hate someone else and in the interests of avoiding any wars lets not be friends with anyone!

Or we could go your route and take a bullet for every ungrateful apartheid state on Earth.

The mussies will turn their attention else where when are done with Israel. And you can bet that they will use our Friendship with THAT country as an excuse to knock a building over and little bitches like you will bitch again!

Well let's stop supporting Israel and put your theory to the test, why don't we?
Messenger said:
No, I disregard it because it's probably the most irrelevant thing you can come up with.

Great while the mussies are still screaching about it now you can just tell them that as well. You can also tell the Jews that their holocaust is irrelevant as well. You can even say that the Civil War is not irrelevant.

Just because you dont care about history does not mean the mussies do not either? What fucking shit are you smoking? Can you read all them fucking muslim minds? I would think not, or you would be leading a "Crusade" (pun definantly intended) against them.
Astral said:
Great while the mussies are still screaching about it now you can just tell them that as well.
They are? Where? The national leaders, or the filthy little critters who release videos and announcements once a month?

You can also tell the Jews that their holocaust is irrelevant as well.
I do, and it isn't, and it's occurence itself is in doubt.

Just because you dont care about history does not mean the mussies do not either?
I never said I didn't care; I care very much about history. But you're citing the most ridiculous examples.

Answer my 'retaking the holy land' comment, please.
I'd also like him to answer my question as to why, if the Jews are God's "chosen people" do they need American support. If they're "God's chosen" then we can stop giving them money and weapons, and stop sending our soldiers to die for their grudges, and God will pick up the slack. Right?
Messenger said:
They are? Where? The national leaders, or the filthy little critters who release videos and announcements once a month?

All over the place! I cant help your stupid little media Gods are not playing them for your daily "programming" (funny they should use that word right?)!

O yes... I might add if you listen to talk radio enough you would have heard such remarks from some of the few muslims that do come on! It almost invariably comes up one way or another. In some islamic sects this gets mentioned a lot sometimes! Its a tool that gets used in convenience.

Messenger said:
I do, and it isn't, and it's occurence itself is in doubt.

Anything one does not witness for themselves can always be in doubt! I didnt witness the twin towers falling myself with my own eyes in person, do you think it rational for me to say it didnt happen?

The holocaust happened! There are more than enough accounts by many many people and by our own Service men and women who saw what they saw. Perhaps your calling their bullshit right? Its nice to know you know more about an event you did not witness whereas so many others did!

Messenger said:
I never said I didn't care; I care very much about history. But you're citing the most ridiculous examples.

Answer my 'retaking the holy land' comment, please.

Of course you dont care bitch! If you did you would not hold your position!

If you would please restate the question about the Holy Land retaking I will be happy to accomodate. I do often overlook some things while I answer other things. And if it is only a comment then why do you expect an answer?
I'd also like him to answer my question as to why, if the Jews are God's "chosen people" do they need American support. If they're "God's chosen" then we can stop giving them money and weapons, and stop sending our soldiers to die for their grudges, and God will pick up the slack. Right?
Astral said:
All over the place! I cant help your stupid little media Gods are not playing them for your daily "programming" (funny they should use that word right?)!
What media gods?
O yes... I might add if you listen to talk radio enough you would have heard such remarks from some of the few muslims that do come on!
Strike two - I don't listen to the radio.
It almost invariably comes up one way or another. In some islamic sects this gets mentioned a lot sometimes! Its a tool that gets used in convenience.
You mean the mainstream media I completely ignore?
Anything one does not witness for themselves can always be in doubt! I didnt witness the twin towers falling myself with my own eyes in person, do you think it rational for me to say it didnt happen?
I was in New York, and saw the rubble for myself, you fucking twat.

The holocaust happened! There are more than enough accounts by many many people and by our own Service men and women who saw what they saw. Perhaps your calling their bullshit right? Its nice to know you know more about an event you did not witness whereas so many others did!
That's right - I do.

Of course you dont care bitch! If you did you would not hold your position!
What you fail to understand that with the onset of Globalization and advanced technology, old doctrines no longer apply.

Or do you think that France and Britain are still vying for control of Africa? :roll:
If you would please restate the question about the Holy Land retaking I will be happy to accomodate. I do often overlook some things while I answer other things. And if it is only a comment then why do you expect an answer?
Seeing as how you've stated how much Muslims 'care about history,' (Or even if you didn't, so don't try to focus on my statement there just to avoid answering this) should Muslims be worried about Christians going on another Crusade?

After all, it's based on history.
Messenger said:
What media gods?

The ones you worship for all your information!

Messenger said:
Strike two - I don't listen to the radio.

Even tho most of Talk Radio are Repuke regurgitation shows you can still catch more truth on there than you will liberal media outlets.

Messenger said:
You mean the mainstream media I completely ignore?

So you just dont read the news at all then? What news to you read? The Koran? you must be a slimey mussie then! lol

Messenger said:
I was in New York, and saw the rubble for myself, you fucking twat.

You cant prove it to me though can you? Will you pay for me a plane ticket to see for myself? I wont accept yours or the rest of the worlds photoshopped pictures. Can you PROVE that those building were standing there in the first fucking place? Can you prove that 3000 peep I didnt know got killed?

See there, I can act just as fucking stupid and retarded as you! The holocaust did happen as well as 9/11. Proven time and again... Its ultimately up to you to accept the truth or not!

Messenger said:
That's right - I do.

At this point I do believe you are trolling.

Messenger said:
What you fail to understand that with the onset of Globalization and advanced technology, old doctrines no longer apply.

Or do you think that France and Britain are still vying for control of Africa? :roll:

Its not the technology. Its the globalization. Thats the new one world government/religion to come. Its been long predicted inside and outside of relgion, philosophers and the like!

Messenger said:
Seeing as how you've stated how much Muslims 'care about history,' (Or even if you didn't, so don't try to focus on my statement there just to avoid answering this) should Muslims be worried about Christians going on another Crusade?

After all, it's based on history.

Your comment only shows how fucking stupid you are! The Crusades were defensive in every way! Remember... if you lose something is "retaking" it an intial offensive? Nope... its retaliation! O wait... I forgot... in your book only the Mussies are allowed to retalitate! We are evil people here! They didnt do shit did they? Any time we attack its because we have a fetish for killing muslims!

I do believe you are trolling now... So I will stop responding to you as well (this thread). I do not troll but I dont mind having honest chats. Unfortunately you cannot be honest therefore you are not worth continuing this thread with!
You cant prove it to me though can you? Will you pay for me a plane ticket to see for myself? I wont accept yours or the rest of the worlds photoshopped pictures. Can you PROVE that those building were standing there in the first fucking place? Can you prove that 3000 peep I didnt know got killed?

See there, I can act just as fucking stupid and retarded as you! The holocaust did happen as well as 9/11. Proven time and again... Its ultimately up to you to accept the truth or not!

Your analogy is fucked, son. Of course people died in the German camps in WW2 -- that doesn't prove those people were murdered as part of a government program, though, any more than the fact that the towers fell proves that it was aliens that did it.
Your comment only shows how fucking stupid you are! The Crusades were defensive in every way! Remember... if you lose something is "retaking" it an intial offensive? Nope... its retaliation!

Then you concede that the Yom Kippur war was only retaliation against Israeli aggression. Thanks.