
  1. CaptainWacky

    SUPPOSED line-up

  2. CaptainWacky

    What were the Bushwhackers actually supposed to be?

  3. OnyxOverdrive

    so what am I supposed to have done this time?

  4. Mirah

    Supposed Feminism

  5. 'Gear

    Who said what? Quotes by people you're not supposed to listen to.

  6. Mirah

    We are supposed to take credit for what again?

  7. jack

    We're supposed to use credits for what again?

  8. whisky

    You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!

  9. Tisiphone

    I know we're supposed to not really like our jobs

  10. starguard

    I thought only Women were supposed to wear Tampons

  11. CaptainWacky

    Is Buffy Season 8 supposed to be bad? (SPOILERS)

  12. Hambil

    Guns, Heads, and stuff we aren't supposed to talk about

  13. Hambil

    Eggs, Tis, where are you? You're supposed to be here

  14. Hambil

    Aren't gays supposed to be neat?

  15. Mirah

    I was supposed to meet Eggs

  16. Starship Coyote

    WTF Am I Supposed To Do

  17. The Tomtrek

    Why is it supposed to be a bad thing that people want to win the money?

  18. SSgt_Sniper

    The badlands are not supposed to be serious business.

  19. D

    I'm supposed to apologize, right?
