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Badlands Citizenship and Spamstitution

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Dammit! I want to take credit for it! Also, I think that whoever does vouch for someone should have responsibility for that person. And if the person I vouche for gets thrown out-then I get thrown out as well!
Also-Fuck this whole Spamstitution Crap anyway.
How could we let Conchaga come in and write this crap and get away with it? The double edged sword is I like the voting mods in-thats cool, and the rotating mods-thats cool too-so it makes sense to have "citezenship" but fuck these fucking rules.

Fuck, one part of me says "we need them" but the other-I mean I haven't even been around here-and that was the complaint.

Lets all go fuck our selves.

The rules are all relatively simple to follow. The legalese in the wording of each rule is there to make sure nobody abuses these things.

What I found wrong with TK's rules is that they're left open to interpretation. These rules for the Badlands are clear-cut and simple. Keeps trolls from misbehaving.
So tell me again how I get someone new to become a member? Can I still vouche for them? Is that over and done with?! WTF DO I DO?! CHONCHAGA!!!!???!!!!!!

LOL I was looking for a pic from Brewster's Millions, and this was the best I could find!

Spamstitution final draft (courtesy of Conchaga):
We, the citizens of the Badlands, declare this Spamstitution law. These are the guidelines for the selection of the moderators within this forum.

1. There is a master list of those who are citizens and this list may only be updated by missmanners or the current moderators.

2. Those members who are on the master list of citizens are the only citizens. No exceptions.

3. New citizens may be added before the next election.
A) Only valid and current citizens may nominate another for citizenship.
B) Each citizen may only nominate one new citizen every other election.
C) Citizens added between elections have no vouchers to add other citizens until the completion of the current election.
D) A minimum of three citizens may petition to overturn a nomination for a new citizen. The decision will be made by the current moderators.
E) To be added as a new citizen you must have made a thread, or posted within the Badlands within a month before the announcement of each election.
F) Dual accounts (sockpuppets) may be nominated for citizenship.
G) The cutoff time to be nominated as a citizen is 72 hours prior to the election.
Sometyhing else was asked for, and this was recieved as some sort of compromise (mainly due to my giving Cow a taste of his own medicine, and him whining like a little bitch), IIRC.
Sometyhing else was asked for, and this was recieved as some sort of compromise (mainly due to my giving Cow a taste of his own medicine, and him whining like a little bitch), IIRC.

So what you're saying is that it is all your fault? Thanks alot, asshole.
Everything's my fault, always has been.

Even shit that occured long before I got here.

Red Whacker running scams? My fault: even tho i was still at Commie at the time, and hadn't even heard of this place!

It's my fault the Kennedy AND Lincoln were shot, my fault Jesus died, my fual the dinosaurs are extinct.

It's my fault hotdogs come in packs of ten, while buns are in packs of eight!

It's my fualt you drive in a parkway and park in a driveway!

Men having nipples? That's me too!


Haven't you been paying attention? :P
HAHA That's a long running joke with me tho!

I used have this song I'd sing about it:

[loungelizardvoice]Because I'm white and I've got a penis
Everything's my fualt
Because I'm white and I've got a penis
I'm responsible for it all![/loungelizardvoice]
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