Let's fuck some shit up
So tell me again how I get someone new to become a member? Can I still vouche for them? Is that over and done with?! WTF DO I DO?! CHONCHAGA!!!!???!!!!!!
I think you have to kill a chicken and feed it to mm on the night of a full moon or something...
/me is still waiting for an answer on this. How does a person become a member? Can they apply?
Your answer is in the rules. But to simplify:
You can nominate one new member for each account you have every other election. There's no timeline or set window as to when you can add these people. You just have to nominate them any time between the end of one election and by the cutoff time (72 hours) before the next election.
There's no application process. If someone wants to be a member, they just post in the badlands that they want to be a member, and they've fulfilled all of the criteria for becoming a member.
I'll take a moment sometime soon and do a cliff's notes version of the spamstitution. Make it more reader friendly.