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Badlands Citizenship and Spamstitution

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Yeah I have learned that lesson. Apparently I'm only a man when I do what you want and follow your cyber dick. But suddenly I have no backbone when I do what Love Child wants and follow her cyber bewbs.

I never said that. I never said you HAD to agree with me.

This is not an either/or situation. I want you to be your OWN man.

Blindly following ANYONE is being a follower.

If that's what you want to be, if that makes you happy, then by all means: be a follower.

I just thought you were capable of more.
I never said that. I never said you HAD to agree with me.

This is not an either/or situation. I want you to be your OWN man.

Blindly following ANYONE is being a follower.

If that's what you want to be, if that makes you happy, then by all means: be a follower.

I just thought you were capable of more.

Yeah I am capable of more but I am quite comfortable(for now) being a follower and all the lack of effort, responsibility, and hard work that entails.
Well then, you'll have to deal with being accused of having no backbone - just as I must deal with being called a bastard fascist asshole for stating my opinion.

We each make our own bed, no?
You never hear two sheets to the wind, or four sheets.

I understand the term refers to being drunk somehow, but not exactly why.

A pity I wasn't on the boat a few centuries ago, when sails were in regular use, eh?
You never hear two sheets to the wind, or four sheets.

I understand the term refers to being drunk somehow, but not exactly why.

A pity I wasn't on the boat a few centuries ago, when sails were in regular use, eh?

You'd be too busy drinkin' and whorin'(and getting herpes;)) to find out the meaning of the term
On this day Citezens shall be added to the Badlands via The Day of Reconing and Things of Not of this World Special Recognized Alien Citezens who fucked Cows and Watched SNL during parties of Pot heads and Meth addicts anonomous who go fuck things in the night for which there shall be no other.
Welcome to the Badlands.
omar welcoem Badlands to Badistani citisensijp .

wijs to vuoch for Vizier Khalil's Dick .

-candidate omar
Here are screenshots of the votes in case there is tampering at a later date.

A Slut's vote:

Cacophony's vote:

chronic deja vu's vote:

GrandTheftCow's vote (as if anyone here will oppose that... :phprolleyes:)

So_Long_Love's vote:
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