Doctor Who: Season 32, Series 6, Part 1


Is this real life?
I reckon her consciousness is partly in a mental asylum, but maybe the events we are seeing exist in real life at the same time (I don't think they'd want to have a fantastic episode with the Doc talking to the Tardis only to say at the end of the season "oh yeah, it was all in Amy's mind. It never happened".) Maybe she's in two dimensions at once, explaining the weird readings on the pregnancy test.

Or I suppose her thoughts could be altering reality somehow. She's worried about Rory dying, so he dies. She thinks she's pregnant because the Silence made her feel queasy, so suddenly she is pregnant.


I want to smell dark matter
She made the ducks disappear from the duck pond...


I want to smell dark matter
He's died three episodes in a row... what next? He "dies" in the Kobayashi Maru test?

Also, some people... on IMDb... think there's some significance to Amy wearing a red checkered shirt in every episode this season.

After the three month jump in the opening two parter I did think to myself "wait, did Amy wear the same clothes for THREE MONTHS?" but I guess it was a different shirt since she has so many of them...


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I hope they re-air this one since I missed it. Grrrrrrr.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Groovy. Hopefully I'll be home. I missed the pirate one too. Is that one crucial, or just a bit of fluff?


Is this real life?
Just a bit of fluff, probably. It's possible some of the characters might return at a later point, but I'd say the actual story was pretty forgettable.


Boobie inspector
Spoiler for end of season.
A clip on the BBC where two actors were using green screen suggests that in some parellel version of earth the silurians rule all, with the same actresses as last time playing them, and Churchill is emperor of the UK and rides a mammoth.


I want to smell dark matter
No fucking way we'll see those pirates again.


I want to smell dark matter
Spoiler for end of season.
A clip on the BBC where two actors were using green screen suggests that in some parellel version of earth the silurians rule all, with the same actresses as last time playing them, and Churchill is emperor of the UK and rides a mammoth.

I wasn't interested until "rides a mammoth."



Is this real life?
I don't want to click on the tags. Is that a genuine spoiler and if so, how much of a spoiler is it on a rating of 1 to "omg, why, why did you tell me this, why?"?


I want to smell dark matter


Is this real life?
Well considering tonight's episode involves clones, I think it's a safe bet that Amy will discover Rory dead at some point only for it to be a clone?


I want to smell dark matter


Boobie inspector
If Rory keeps swapping between dead and alive it could explain why Amy keeps swapping between pregnant and not.