Doctor Who: Season 32, Series 6, Part 1


I want to smell dark matter


Boobie inspector
I cant help but wonder what would happen if you had a weeping angel and a silent in the same room.


Boobie inspector
I guess either other people have had the same thought, or you are exceptionally fast at whipping up posters.


Boobie inspector
In theory that was good, in practice it felt more like a collection of cool moments with lots of padding between them.

Its hard to beleive they tied up the Tennent tardis soundstage for almost two years just for this.


Is this real life?
They only would've had it flat packed in storage. They don't actually leave sets standing when they're not using them.

Well that was a good episode IMO. I wasn't sure at first, because the characters seemed like they might just be those "kooky for the sake of it" types, and we've had a few red herrings about time lords before as well, but it all worked out really well in the end.

Seeing the old bits of TARDIS was pretty cool, even if I'm not enough of a fan to identify which Doctor they belonged to. I appreciated the niftyness of it. Going on to show that the 9th/10th Doctor's TARDIS still existed as well was maybe going a bit far into fanwankyness. I still shouted a big "ooooh! COOL!" when it happened though. :)

Has any group of fans been so excited or waited so long to see corridors before?*

I liked how at the end the Doctor was running around playing with the TARDIS as couples do.

Didn't mind the Ood this time since he was actually a bit scary. Why did he have green eyes and brain, though? The others didn't have green eyes but they were controlled by the House all the same.

*Yes, I am aware that corridors were briefly shown in the 1968 episode "Hat of the Daleks", but that was only through a dimensional mirror and in real life it was really just a painting rather than a fully built set.


Boobie inspector
Did anyone else notice the "Ood created by Russel T Davis" bit in the credits?

I don't remember seeing anything like that before for any other recurring monster.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
No, they'd always hds "Daleks created by Terry Nation" or "Cyberman created by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis", etc for the episode with returning monsters.

And that was a very good episode of Doctor Who. I mean, really good. I mean it took concepts that have been in the show from the start (i.e., the relationship between the TARDIS and The Doctor) and actually explores them. But the genious of it was, it did it in a way that makes sense whether you've seen one, three or eleven Doctors.

There were some nods to continuity (the Time Lord message box thing from The War Games, the mention of The Eye of Orion, for example) but again never in ways that exclude the people who didn't get them. 9/10's TARDIS was the icing on the cake.

But what I feel the episode did best was really affirm the feeling of the show, what it started as and what it always should be - a man and his TARDIS having adventures through time and space. Neil Gaiman came into Doctor Who after being a fan for so long and showed us exactly why he loved it - and it's very easy to understand why.

Oh, also, I'm really glad the 'old friend from the Doctor's past' was the TARDIS and not Romana or Susan or something.


I want to smell dark matter

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Has any group of fans been so excited or waited so long to see corridors before?*

*Yes, I am aware that corridors were briefly shown in the 1968 episode "Hat of the Daleks", but that was only through a dimensional mirror and in real life it was really just a painting rather than a fully built set.

Well, really, mostly, it's only been in the new series that we've had a hankering for corridors. I mean sure, for most of Hartnell and Troughton's run we were just in the console room, but the console room always seemed to contain exactly what we needed in it at any point (it gains a small room with bizarre 60's beds at one point, because the stroy needed it). We didn't really see it that much with Pertwee because it wasn't working a lot of the time, but still there appeared a slide out bed if the story needed it.

But we got the first big look inside with Tom Baker and, frankly, it was really naff. As in as soon as you left the console room it looked like a dingy old hospital. As in it was filmed in a in dingy old hospital. But at least we saw the swimming pool.

Peter Davison got it best, though. He had TARDIS corridors going on forever, corridors that actually looked like part of the TARDIS. We even got to see companion's rooms with props from old episodes and everything.

After that we saw less and less of the inside of the TARDIS as the console prop got more and more battered, except of course for the Paul McGann TV movie where we got the best TARDIS ever.

But really in the new series it's just because we've never seen where they go when they're not by the console. I'm not sure 9/10's TARDIS even had a door to the rest of the ship, which is why it's so good to finally see TARDIS corridors.

That's a really long post about TARDIS corridors.


Boobie inspector
There were a couple of things I liked about the episode though.



I want to smell dark matter
She was better pale (not even a [/Tomtrek] tag post.)


Boobie inspector
I don't care what colour they are, they are eminently motorboatable.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

I like how even when Karen is doing a really bad accent it's still a really adorable accent.


I want to smell dark matter
She is nice.


Is this real life?
He's died three episodes in a row... what next? He "dies" in the Kobayashi Maru test?

Also, some people... on IMDb... think there's some significance to Amy wearing a red checkered shirt in every episode this season.


Boobie inspector
I am wondering if the majority of season 5 and 6 only exist inside Amy's head.

What if the first time Rory died for real was the only time he actually died, and she is living some extended version of Amy's choice, where she keeps imagining that Rory is alive, but her subconscious keeps killing him to remind her what she is seeing is not real.

And the woman who keeps opening slots and sticking her face in is actually her pyscharitist.