True Blood Season 5


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Yeah, they just stood there watching as Russell staked Roman.



I want to smell dark matter
How come Doctore killed those people on the bus, instead of glamoring them? Seems if he was that concerned he'd have killed Sookie and Alcide too. I guess they're not really all about peaceful coexistence!

I guess he was a Russell follower?

The Italian vampire woman is obviously the one who dug up Russell.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Yeah, I've suspected her for awhile, especially the way Nora acted. I think they may all be Russell supporters, really. It's like they were all just playing along with the religious nonsense to keep detective Stabler happy. You know I thought it was cool that Christopher Meloni was on the show, but now I'm glad he's dead. His character was too confusing. I mean, did he really believe all that Lilith shit, or was it for show? I know he didn't believe the blood in the vial was hers, but all that scripture crap was stupid. IMO!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
We were right about Salome, but really they've been giving us hints of that all along. I totally enjoyed the vampires getting high on V.


I want to smell dark matter

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Yeah, between the extra-gory goryness this past week, and the bizarre story turns, and the weird Obama masks and anti-Muslim talk, this is starting to become non-essential viewing for me.

And Alan Ball hasn't even left yet.


I want to smell dark matter
It was the ending I was reacting to really (not that there wasn't stupid shit elsewhere.)

There's still good things and funny moments like Russell sidling over and singing with the bride and I found Hoyt talking about the "hate group" kind of funny...until I realised they've just completely destroyed Hoyt's character now and turn him into a bigot. He's literally joined the KKK literally. Hoyt! Oh and the old sheriff reappears in the same episode as the mysterious "dragon" leader of the KKK is first mentioned GEE I WONDER IF THESE TWO THINGS ARE CONNECTED.

Since when are Sookie and Luna friends? Have they ever had a scene together?

Does anyone care about the werewolves or Layfayette or the Terry plot?

Jessica/Jason fight as kind of enjoyable (probably just due to the actors) and the Tara/Pam scenes are still good...

But that fucking ending scene with the terrible special effects and Lilith breathing red mist onto people...that's what vampires believe in?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I think that's what those particular vampires believe in, or well... they believe it now because they're high. Maybe Nora has been brainwashed by Salome, sort of. I mean she was willing to be tortured to death, and refused to name anyone. Zealots! Of course that doesn't explain why Eric was able to see Lilith breathing the read mist.. so that just shot holes all in my little theory :rwmad:

I really like the Lafayette story, but it got overshadowed by the vampires high on Lilith blood. This is one of the huge problems with the show, imo. Too many stories to follow, so none of them get fleshed out very well. We don't get any depth.


I want to smell dark matter
Why did they take the baby-eating vampire out on the town with them? Is The Authority just that bunch of weirdos now or is there more of them worldwide? ARGH, STOP THINKING ABOUT IT.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Well, I don't think they planned to go out on the town at all. Also, I forgot about the baby eater. Did his face ever go back to normal?


I want to smell dark matter
He was still fucked up at the end.


Is this real life?
I actually approved of the anti-Muslim line. Of course it's abhorrent, but it was totally in character for that guy and to an extent, it was in character for Terry not to object to it. Admittedly, it does make it difficult to feel any sympathy for the pair of them, but hey, we kinda stopped caring already when they showed Terry murdering a defenseless woman.

I can't for the life of me figure out why the writers think we would give a shit what happens to them now, though.

As for the rest, well, the Jessica/Jason stuff was pretty good, but it felt kinda like I've seen it all before now. I didn't really get what was going on with Lafayette to be honest. I lost interest and then didn't understand why the woman killed Jesus's dad (or grandfather?).

The vampire stuff continues to be cheesy and too fast moving to figure out exactly what the state of play is or whose side to take.

Lucifer has an impeccably pruned merkin.


I want to smell dark matter


Be patient till the last.
yeah, I was a bit surprised that the pregnant woman suddenly stabs whatsis to death, thus saving Lafayette....did they paint themselves into a corner here? "Uh oh. There's no way to save Lafayette now! I know, let the preggers woman apropos of nothing kill creepy old bruja guy!"

threads and story lines are unraveling...since when did vampires kill Sookie's parents? It was evil fairies...why change that? Why the hell would it matter? And Tara's mom comes in to announce that Tara's dead to her...again....yeah, we know, find a new shtick, ya old bible-banging bat.

I think Hoyt's undercover but I can barely bring myself to care any more.

Pam's looking hot though.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I enjoyed last night's because I think they're pulling some of the characters together, into the same story line, instead of ONE MILLION different ones.

Jessica was hot. I thnk Hoyt might be toast.


I want to smell dark matter
I thought this week's was a bit better than some recent ones. It didn't drag as much. Maybe because Bill was directing it? It still wasn't great or anything.

The two Sams scenes were funny.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yeah I actually like some of the subplots but as soon as it gets good then OH LET'S SEE WHAT TERRY'S DOING WHAT FUN.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
At least Lafayette and Terry are part of one story now, so maybe they won't have to chop the show up so much now. MAYBE.. fuck. I'm sure they'll find some other reason to.

OH and I liked Tara and Pam's scenes.