I'm bored with the whole fucking show.
The coolest part of Sunday's show was the fairy circle and Sookie connecting with WHERE'S WARLOW, and seeing Claudine again.
Hoyt letting Jessica go. Big surprise. Was that supposed to be suspenseful? I'm glad Sam didn't kiss his mirror, because welcome to planet narcissism if that had happened, but I agree that entire little scene was well acted.
Tara's still angry.
Eric is the good guy. Ok, a nice change with Bill explaining that he's "evolving". And he askes the question in next week's episode that I've been thinking about the entire time "What about Sookie?"
So, remember that fairy dude that Jessica smelled at the dress shop? How come she didn't act that way with Sookie? Does she not give off the same kinda smell since she's only half Fae? Eric, Bill and Russell are the only ones who have mentioned that she tastes/smells different. You'd think all those vampires at Fangtasia would be all up on her gap-toothed ass.
Alcide was hot, but WHO THE FUCK IS THE CHICK HE'S HANGING OUT WITH ALL THE SUDDEN? Just because she's his second, they've got this hot sexual relationship when just a day ago he 'HAD BEEN WAITING FOREVER TO FUCK SOOKIE".
It's just a clusterfuck.