What's up.


beer, I want beer
^^This is what I'm talking about, Hunter. Fear of a black planet, no love for the brothas, all that stuff. Picking on somebody because of skin color or something that can't be changed is a cheap way to try and get heat. No skill involved there. Like ragging the Dick or the Question for retardation. It's not like they can change what they are, you just have to wipe up the drool and help them lead semi-productive lives

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Vindictive little bastards, aren't they? :bigass: Hey Randi.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Just because I insult you, you shouldn't take it personally. I'm still working on the VMars, work and this damned unshakeable head cold has gotten me behind.


New Member
Oh trust me, I don't take anything on the board personally :bigass: If I did I'd be crying myself to sleep every night......I actually watched an episode of VM the other day. It was pretty good.

The Question

Donovan said:
Fear of a black planet, no love for the brothas, all that stuff.

And what exactly is this 'black planet' that you speak of? Do you want to clarify that? Oh, I don't think you do.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
The Question said:
And what exactly is this 'black planet' that you speak of? Do you want to clarify that? Oh, I don't think you do.

You know, the Black Planet...Where Mayor Ray Nagan is going to build the "Chocolate City" God's been wanting.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I agree with Nagan, God hates blacks for being lazy and shiftless. Oh, and He'll strike down Kanye West for daring to blaspheme against His Anointed One, George Jesus Bush!


GFHH Moderator
Laker_Girl: Fuck you and fuck her...If you can find her stinky snatch under the loads of maggot infested fat.



GFHH Moderator
Sparkle Muffin said:
Are you trying to say something DS?

That was QOTW material, unless you'd like to provide pictures of your snatch to prove there isn't maggot infested fat around it.


beer, I want beer
The Question said:
And what exactly is this 'black planet' that you speak of? Do you want to clarify that? Oh, I don't think you do.

Power to the peeps, cracker bitch.

The Question

Donovan said:
Power to the peeps, cracker bitch.

I see... Well, that's a very, very witty retort there, boy. I don't know what I could possibly respond to that with, except maybe, "We gave it to you, and we'll take it away."


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Donovan said:
Power to the peeps, cracker bitch.

You're a cupcakeer Dono? And a racist cupcakeer at that?

The Question

^^That possibility isn't half as sad as the possibility that he's not...


New Member
The Question said:
Lately, I would have actually invested some wit and creativity coming up with something that'd burn you right down to the ground. But your seriously subpar performance in this thread has me doubting that you deserve the effort, so do it yourself.

Just make sure that whatever you come up with leaves you standing in your parents' bathtub with tears streaming down your simian face and a straight razor in your hand.


Hah, is this your way of stalling? PUT UP OR SHUT UP YOU SUCK FUCK.


beer, I want beer
Laker_Girl said:
You're a cupcakeer Dono? And a racist cupcakeer at that?

I am?

Well, in that case, where de white women at?